Thursday 25 September 2008

a JB psycho talking

I never got the time to tell you guys the results of last week's poll. Okej;
I seem like...
-kinda cool, 3 votes
-a funny person, 2 votes
-a JB psyho, 10 votes
-I know you, I knwo how you are, 3 votes.
(No one voted for the rest of the options so)

You can't imagen how awesome I feel, knowing that at least 3 people on this earth thinks I'm kinda cool. MUAHAHHA. (Going ego...XD) A JB psycho? Thanks, I guess.....XD

So miraculously I somehow managed all the school work for this week, I even caught up on some cauculus. :D We had a English test on Tuesday, on wednesday we had a History presentation, finishing writing a satire play for Swedish for today, writing a letter for french class for today.

About french class, out of nowhere today, my french teacher during class tells us that there are a bunch of French people in the cafeteria waiting to talk to us with no warnings before whatsoever. We were like WHHAAT? It had been some mistakes when they made their exchnage, it was meant that this school they did exchnage with would provide with host families and such but somehow these Swedish students could not do that for reasons unkown. So one of those students contacted some french teachers and it ended up with my french teacher fixing up this meeting so that the french students would anyway get some good impressions fo Sweden. :P

We met with them et nous parlons francias. (=we spoke in French) The school was treating us cinnemonbuns and coffee so it made most of us stay. I hate going to this kind of things, like meeting people you don't know and there might be a communication problem with the languages but you have to talk to them, you know to be polite. It is like a blind date, the teachers just make every arrangement then we are the guinea pigs they push forward. XD
No acutally it's not that awful, when you get over the fear and talk to them. Meeting new people are fun especially when you know that if you embarrass yourself (which you most likely will) there's not a big chance that you will meet them again. :P

Haha you won't believe this. You guys remember when I met Jonas Brothers at the CD signing in Stockholm? Here's another video that confirms that I was there, on the official Disneychannel website!, click on the small square where it says: SE VIDEOS! Then theres a small green list underneath it, click Jonas Brothers: på disneychannel. I come in at 2.04 then for some split seconds, but it is me (and KP)!!! MAHAHHAHAHA.

OMG that is pure happiness.


Anonymous said...

Jag tycker att du är cool, rolig och är JB-galen (plus en massa andra bra och snälla saker, som snäll, söt, stylish och en bra vän osv.. Det är synd att du bor flera mil härifrån.) Det var svårt att välja en.

Men efter att spenderat en dag med endast JB på schemat, kunde jag bara svara en sak. HAHA.


Tiffany said...

AAW Kp! :') Det går inte att hitta en mer underbar person än dig! XD Huhu, JB psycho det är jag XD

DUUUU, du måste kolla på den disneychannel länken, du är också med i den!!

OMG KP aldrig kommer jag glömma den dagen, aldrig så lycklig har jag varit nånsin, du är bäst så du vet. ;)

Therese said...

hahaha är du med på film xD
kan inte se för klippet är skumt men ja xD

Caroline said...

haha fedt nice med videon! :D
sällan ni träffar såna fransmän xD

Anonymous said...

Naaw thanks. A part of us will always be burned.

OMJ! HAAH! Fy vad kul att vi va med på filmen. Man brukar aldrig kunna se sig själv, men där är man ju. De brukar ju alltid filmas men man brukar aldrig se det.

Tiffany said...

re Trs: Jo jag är med där, de visar när ja o min kompis precis är framme vid Kevin. HElt sjukt. Jenny bah gick in på den svenska disneychannel sidan så hitatde hon bideon, och JAG var med i den. XD

re Carro: HAHA, det brukar va mer Japaner innan, men vi träffar fransmän en hel del osso . XD DE kommer ju snart osso! :D

re KP: JAG visste inte att de filmade oss. Eller ja, jag var inte direkt medveten om någonting annat just då, inte ens...ja du vet XD

Jenni said...

Woow, I just WONDER how you discovered that video :o!! What a luckt shot!! :o

Tiffany said...

re JEnni, oh shut up XD