Tuesday 23 September 2008

Heroes Season 3 -Why I wet my pants

I've been super busy lately that's why I havent' written for ages. Sry! :(
School persists on giving us works of all works, not mentioning tests. I will be very busy until the break (week 44), I'll even be busy when my Frenchstudent is here, yikes.

But I saw the oppurtunity to write some now when I'm uploading the Heroes season 3 first (and second) episode. IIHH, I've been waiting for so long! I'll post some comments about it later.
Heroes season 3 episodes broadcasts in the US every Monday, so which means that I (speaking for the people living 6 hours in the future XD) will be watching the episodes a day later.
Don't forget to watch!

Save the Cheerleader save the world ;)

(After watching the two first episodes and wetting my pants)
O M F G!
I haven't been this upset since the first season! THIS IS MAJOR, I must tell you people who haven't seen this yet. Be prepared for something huge, season three is not for the faint-hearted.
I had to sit and half-cover up my eyes most of the time, it was season one all over again! In a way I think it's awesome, they're reviving the "spirit" that was lost in the second season. I guessed that they would make something magnificent to make up for the last season and this is no doubt magnificent. I wonder though if they haven't exagerrated just a bit...
Here comes a spoiler, so highlight if you want to read.
I SWEAR if Sylar would have killed Elle, I would have stopped watching Heroes. Everything is demolished for me; Nathan being a prophet, everyone going evil (Mohinder, Peter, Hiro, Claire)?! What the hell is freakin' happening?!
Claire: Are you going to eat it?
Sylar: Uh Claire. That is disgusting.
What the hell is freakin' happening?!


Elin said...

The two new episodes are a big, huge, gigantic WTF?!?

Caroline said...

WEEHOOO! har dock inte hunnit kolla episod 2 än.

visst, helt plötsligt bara har man tusen grejer att göra i skolan!
har inte snackat med dig på årtuseenden heller ;(

Tiffany said...

re Elin: O-M-G! Really I can't describe the feeling either.. It's so freaky.

re Carro: OKej, båda e sjuka XD Jo jag har jätte mycekt skolgrejjs :(

Tiffany said...
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Caroline said...

kollat båda nu. helt galet, men så galet BRA! <3

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Ja man vet itne vad man sak säga mer än galet, jag kan fort. inte bestämma om det är sjutk bra eller vad det är, jag evt iaf. att det vore en dödssynd att missa ett avsnitt just nu XD