Disneychannel launched the TV show "Hannah Montana" 2006, about a girl who double life as a superstar (Hannah Montana) and at the same time tries to live a normal life. Miley Cyrus was 14 when the show hit the road and her career took off in rocket speed, ev-e-ry 8 year old in the United States LOVED her.
It didn't take long before she was everywhere, every premiere (she was at the HP order of the phoenix premiere in L.A), every award show (she was at the Oscars '08 and even presented an award!), every magazine cover....you get the point. She would strut around in her glitter dresses and sing songs with messages like: "I'm a superstar now but underneath it all I'm just like you" and "Nobody is perfect, you gotta make it right". All encouraging and inspiring songs for her the whole generation of youngsters for fans. The whole American population (yeah i'm also talking about the parents, they LOVE her) adored the good cute girl.
Here's the deal, she started out as this cute girl on Disneychannel and have changed quit a bit since then, or at least we think she changed, what if the whole goodgirl thing was an image? ;)Just a year and a half after her oh-so-great role model image would take a great turn. Suddenly pictures of her posing half-naked or drunk get's spread all over the internet like som ultra virus. I, personally, didn't really believe in the rumours at first but got convinced when I saw them with my own eyes. What happened to the role model all 8 year old would look up to? You know, one person's "intimate" photos doesn't "just" get spread over the internet like that, the photos have to be uploaded on the internet in the first place (personal myspace or some other communities). Come on who believes in the excuse of "someone hacked my iPhone.." *puppy eyes*??! Which leaves us to the fact that she had in mind to show these photos to someone or maybe even wanted to show everyone. (search on youtube and they'll come up immediately)
At the same time there's this contant buzzing rumour about her dating the youngest Jonas Brother, Nick Jonas. Is it true?! Is it not true?! Why does Miley have Nick's dog tag why does Miley hug Nick? and so it continues. This is actually the point which is most interesting for me (since I'm a Jonas Brothers fan).
We never got to know if they dated even after the constant questions all from Ellen Degeneres to some random paparazzi fellow. They always denied , well I don't know for sure about Miley, but I do know everytime Miley comes of speech with Jonas Brothers, Nick would get a bit uncomfortable and say "We're really good friends..blablabla". We were not convinced though, soon enough pictures of Miley wearing Nick's dog tag (diabetes tag) or just Miley and Nick together circeled the internet. Something is not right....
Personally I've always thought there were something about them, like dated one time or so but nothing major.
Now almost a year after the rumours started, Miley decides to come out of the closet. Yes, she and Nick dated for a long time. And during that time Nick was basically her 24/7, he was everything on her mind, and when he broke up she was more or less devastated. She dyed her hair black and got into the whole goth/rock thing, because when they were together, Nick had suggested that she would get blonde highlights (which she also did) and when they broke up she wanted to rebel against everything Nick liked.
And when that is out, it explains "7 things". A song off Miley's new album and even from the release of it, people started to talk about at least we JB fans did...(höhöhö) The song is about 7 things Miley hate about an ex. "You're vain, your games. You're insecure. You love me, you like her..." and so it goes on. In the video she constantly holds and even kisses her necklace, which looks mysteriously much like Nick's dog tag and there's also this quick sequence when she holds up a photo of her and this "guy" she's singing about, the guys face is crossed out but it looked very much like Nick.
When I first saw this video, I was almost convinced it was about Nick. (We JB fans know Nicks dog tag when we see it ! XD) So she was so mad and crushed that she had to make this song and on top of that almost tell the world that it is about Nick Jonas by doing that music video. (It is now confirmed that it really IS about Nick Jonas, auch!)
What made her suddenly to decide to tell the world about their relationship? Why did she take those photos?About her photos I think, not every person goes around and take photos of oneself naked. (I kow I haven't) No, a person must have that little "feature" in them even when they seem to be the most cute and innocent kid. I guess she really adored her flat stomach and wanted people to know about it too, some people are just like that. So I don't get why those people always" remember the Hannah Montana days when she was so cute and innocent?", she's young and famous it almost comes natural. All people mature (even celebrities!) and they intend to try on things.
As for her latest album "Breakout" she sings about the 7 things she hates about Nick Jonas and other "groundbreaking" things. What does the paretns think about her now, huh?! (XD)
When stars have grown up with the Disney standards they'll most pften come to the point they want to break free and do their own thing. It's Miley Cyrus time now.
Maybe you haven't noticed it but (I know I have!) the Jonas Brothers career have really exploded the last years and they become more and more popular as each day passes by. Maybe she thought; it really was me in the beginning who introduced these boys into the world (they were a sort of opening act for her "Hannah Montana/Miley Curys tour") and why have the apprentice exceeded the master?
Maybe she wanted to get connected with JB again or just wanting to get straight with who the real Disneychannel star is around here.
I saw the Hannah Montana concert in 3-D today (for Jonas Brothers of course) and that started..
all this.