Thursday 10 December 2009

Me and Me and Orson Welles

Went for the first time in my life alone to the cinema today. Well, you just have to sometime I guess. It was nto as bad as I thought, although the only ones in the cinema with me were 3 older men (also lone goers :P). Like awweesome. They never made a sound either, kinda creepy. XD I was the one laughing and and making all the noise. XD I could probably drag someone with me though, but since I insisted on watching the movie on a weekday before 5 o'clock since it's much cheaper (I paid £5.60), no one was actually able to go. :P

So, I saw Me and Orson Welles. I didn't know too much about the movie before I decided to watch it. Zac was gonna be in it.....Claire Danes....1930's..something something..theare play then that's it. XD

Me and Orson Welles is just one of those heavier-no actual action-life insight-kinda movie :P. The movie is quite poetic and you're supposed to be leaving the cinema with a insight of life, you know. It tells the story of a easy-going 17 year old boy (Efron) who quite randomly ends up as a part of the production of Shakepeare's Julius Caesar with the man himself, Orson Welles. It's a coming-of-age story really, with him learning about life and love (and theatres and assholes XD).

Although it's not really my kind of movie I was actually entertained during the whole movie (duh, 114 minutes with eyecandy Zac XD). I do think it's a good movie, a bit dull, but good. But then again I'm a sucker for everything 1930's......and Zac Efron btw :P. It's nice though seeing him stretch out from the stereotype roles he'd done and evolve, because he can and he does it brilliantly.

Older Efron fans, I recommend. :)


Vincent said...

Nej det gjorde jag inte, det skulle man själv lista ut :)

Tiffany said...

re Vincent: Jaha, de va inte helt lätt dock :P

Caroline said...

Men shit vad kosntigt det måste varit att sitta i en salong med bara tre andra dudes :p

Tiffany said...

re carro: jo lite grann XD Men det kändes mer som jag själv där, det va nice. :)Hemmabio typ XD

Kajsa said...

Jag gick och såg New Moon själv för jag hade ingen att gå med, men jag gillade det inte. Filmen var bra, men jag tyckte det var tråkigt att inte ha någon att prata med. Fast det tråkiga var nog mest att jag kom, såg filmen och gick. Jag köpte inget att äta för jag kom sent, och jag skulle gå direkt för jag skulle hem till Erika...

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: Jag tyckte det var rätt mysigt att gå själv jag. XD Jag hade med mig nötter o sånt, så det var ju ganska nice. :)