I'm going home tomorroooooww! :) It feels like I've waited for that day for ages now. XD It's gonna be so nice being back home. To my family, my friends, my guitar, my bed, the TV, the Wii, Swedish food, Swedish people.....just everything really. I miss it horrendously!
My flight goes 20.30 from Heathrow and I'll land in Copenhagen around 23.20! And soon after that, I'll breath awesome Swedish air. Don't think I've ever been this excited to go home, hahha. I wanna meet everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY again. Call me or I'll call you, for sure! ;)
So bye for now Londonland. Will I miss something? Yeah, cheap cinemas and HMV (and seeing Jesse McCartney on thursdays, amen!)
Here's an beautiful song I recently rediscovered, Sea Of Love by Cat Power.
2 weeks ago
Åh va skoj! :)
Ja Garbo är en utav mina favoriter så jag e riktigt glad över att jag fick träffa honom och prata lite med honom :) eheh
Lördagens konsert var ännu bättre än fredagens, =) haha den va längre och dom pratade mycket mer å så :) Nej vi såg inte henne! =P
Ja älskar Garbo!
I'm listening to this song while staring outside the window.. with the snow falling down on the ground.. the christmas lights... just beautiful :)
Yeah, it have been snowing like non stop since I came home. It's so nice. :)
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