Wednesday 9 December 2009

Alien Invasion

To me this picture looks utterly photoshopped, it doesn't? XD

Have you been following the news?! Following the trending topics on twitter? (It's actually a really good way of keeping up with the big news) Well I sort to have to if I don't wanna get beheaded on my journalism class. XD

So today in a small town in northern Norway, citizens are suddenly struck by this mysterious light on the sky. The light forms a exapanding spiral and then disappears leaving a black spot in the skies.

There are a lot of experts argues it's a failure of rocket launching and likewise. Whatever it is I just happen to lost this story. XD I'm secretly hoping it's not a rocket or whatever it is, it would be so insane. XD When I first saw it on twitter I was like what? Then I saw the pictures and just thought it was some crappy hoax but then I saw a video of it and I was freaking out.

Why don't you see for yourself?

Article in Dagens Nyheter:


Caroline said...

spännande! XD

Elin said...

I think I just freaked out xD

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Jo det e de.

re Elin: Hahaha, so did I!