Tuesday 14 July 2009

Wonderful wonderful days.

Good evening,
I'm back from London!...... It was the most wonderful trip I've done so far! The weather was wonderful, I did the best shopping ever at Oxford street. We stayed at out friends apartment which was wonderful and we ate awesome food. The open semnaire at my school was wonderful, my apartment was wonderful. Everything went smoothly with the underground with the time schedule and everything.

These are the lines I desperately want to be the truth to tell to you guys. (well, I hope you caught on along the way....XD) My trip to London, which I was looking forward so much turned out to be a completely nightmare....(dramatic pause)
Let's start from the beginning. The way to Copenhagen was okey besides it was heck early. It was when we arrived in London it all started. The plane was a bit delayed, we were almost late for our connecting bus into London. In London we had to take the tube to the trainstation near our friend's apartment to leave our luggage there. Exactly those 2 lines we're were gonna take were suspended and it was a hell of a circus ride back and forth. It was a nightmare and with all our luggage and all those stairs?! Imagen! Then it was hell finding a spot for our luggage and it resulted that we had to carry them with us through entire freakin' London, since I had to go to see my apartment and my university. We were heavily late for both of them and I coulnd't be more embarrassed. But in the end of the day things worked out fine. It also was alot of trouble with my accomodation and bank account, you see you can't open a bank account wiht a british adress but I can't get a british adress if I can't pay the rent for a british adress. I thought what else could go wrong?! BUT NOOO how wrong was I?

We were walking down Oxford street to do some shopping. I had just found the jacket at Topshop I've wanted since forever on sale, and I thought maybe my luck was finally turning back. So i was about to pay and call my parents and stuff, but hey where my cellphone? PANIC! Going through everything in my bag, my cellphone isn't there. OMG. PANIC! I tell my sister, OMG where's my wallet? PANIC, SUPER PANIC! I've been robbed. IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, with thousands of people around me.
I freakin' hated it. It was the worse feeling I've ever had. (story to continue..)

One of the many buildings of my University.


Meikei said...

Jag är övertygad om att det kommer gå såå bra för dig. I belive in you!! Det sker olyckor, men du är ju oskadd det är det viktigaste. vi måste träffas, kanske i helgen om du kan?

Elin said...

Shit happens and life goes on :P What else can I say?

Caroline said...

Köpte du den där jackan då? ;)

Kajsa said...

Nej gud, va tråkigt. Det är hemskt när sånt händer. Var lägenheten okej (i utseendet etc) då? Jag skulle också vilja träffas, vi tre? Jag kommer hem på måndag.

Jenni said...

I hated it the most!! Argh, why do people do that?! I felt humiliated even though it wasn't I who was robbed. Everything turned out fine in the end but gosh I wish something bad will happen to that person!

Tiffany said...

re Meks: Du får som sagt säga till när du kan..:D

re Carro: Fakitkst gick jag dit nån dag senare och köpte den. :)

re Kajsa: Jo det är fräsct och student vänligt. Ja vi borde ses snart, hör av dig :D

re Jenni: Yes, BUURRN in hell..XD