Sunday 5 July 2009

Movies to watch

Zuup guys?
I was at today since don't know when. Kinda ever since it changed layout and sucked. XD Anyway I could somehow find movies I was interested in watching. And believe it or not I even watched the trailer for.....wait for it....yes Full Moon, BUT in hope of seeing a glimpse of Dakota Fanning, which I didn't and I felt totally ripped off. XD Anyway here are the trailers:

Bandslam, premiering: 14 Aug 2009
It seems to me this movie is kinda in the same spirit as 17 again, teenagy-comedy. I'm not really interested in the plot, I'm more interested to see Vanessa Hudgens in a role with personality. And seeing her being this relaxed kinda edgy girl should be good enough for me to go and see this movie. XD "Sa5m, the 5 is silent" Kinda freakin' awesome! XD

Fame, premiering: 25 Sep 2009
Reminds one of Camp Rock doesn't it? And with Annamaria perez de Tagle in it doesn't make it better. XD Anyway you quickly see how real and serious this musical is (compared to camp rock XD). I don't know why I'm drawn to this movie, I might just be developing a fondness to musicals or maybe I just love dance numbers so much. :)

2012, premiering: 13 November 2009
I was so glad to find out that this was a disaster/world going under movie. It has been too long since I saw a suchlike. (Wait, I still haven't seen when the day the earth stood still but anyway) Seeing the trailer with so much devastation and catastrophe made me so excited. XD This might turn out to be a lousy movie but I'm gonna watch it anyway, I've yearn for devastation for too long now. XD

Sherlock Holmes, premiering: 25 December 2009
This might be just a bit too serious for me and it's really the main character and the actors who's making me wanna see this, Jude Law and Rachel McAdams that is. The story seems too much da vinci code-ish for me since I was more looking forward to a classic detective case. But I might end up seeing it.


Neaa said...

ofta Aly är med i Bandslam utan AJ ;) fast den verkar fett bra, ska lätt se den!
och Fame påminner typ om Raise your voice fast med snyggare skådespelare! också en film man måste se juu! hah <3

Tiffany said...

Haha, usch nej de skulle nt va lika bra med AJ där. Aly är bättre skådespelerska. Hmm raise your voice, mena du den med Hilary Duff? Urk den var ju riktigt kass. Men Fame är ju en riktigt musikal och sådär, den borde va bättre :D

Elin said...

I'm gonna see 2012. Maybe not at the cinema, but I'm gonna see it xD

Kajsa said...

Fame tycker jag verkar som... Fame! Inte så lik Camp Rock, nej. snarare tvärt om isf. Men, vill se! 2012, nja, man fatta aldrig riktigt vad det var som skulle göra att världen går under eller varför just då. Man fatta heller inte handlingen på Sherlock Holmes, och jag hatar när de för in övernaturliga moment på klassikerna. Som i From Hell! Bandslam skulle jag vilja se, däremot.

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: Okej jag täntke skriva nått jätte långt om hur jag tänkte och hur jag skulle säga emot dig. Men jag orkar inte, du är precis som du brukar vara analyserar så mkt. XD Så jag ska bah låta det vara och säga KUL att du också vill se Bandslam. :D