Haha, is it because you know I'll eventually post a new one anyway. XD
But IF you for some reason read any of my entries please comment. I know some of you think commenting is difficult because you don't know what to write or you're embarrassed to write because you think my readers or I would judge you? XD I will definitely NOT and I wouldn't think my other readers will either because face it they're not that many XD (Hö-Hö) (Do you want me to blog about how to comment a blog?! XD)
You know what, I'll be really happy even if you just leave a smiley and your name as a comment because then I know you've read it and it makes me more motivated to write or think of new things to write about. But I do love all of you who keeps reading and commenting. Tiffany loves YOU.
Haha, I really do want to go back to Jonas blogging XD. There are still so much to say...but I'll wait! So I don't bore you guys to death with the ever ongoing Jonas Brothers. JUST ONE THING, Kattis this is for you XD. I found this video ages ago but still thinks it's funny and really good. It describes the brothers very well and Joe is being hilarious! (We've missed that!)
Okej here goes; Behind the scenes of shooting the Burning Up music video; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEfQiw9WReA&feature=related while you're at it why not watch some of my youtube videos. XD Tell me what you think, because I'm having doubts now. I'm really not that good and I don't know what I thought when getting a Youtube. I've got some ideas to improve my videos but I don't know if it's worth the bother, maybe I'll just cancel everything and go back to my blogging?
Can you believe it? It is less than a month (a month minus 1 day) now until school starts again! For once I thought summer break would pass slower when I have all these things to do, but no one month left and I still have loads of things to do. (Do I? Have to check the list again)
I'm learning how to play "I Gotta Find You" from Camp Rock, it is not how Joe plays it but I think it's pretty good verision. Have to work on it more though. I really want to upload vids of me playing "Kung-Fu grip"," Hey There Delilah" or "Eternity". Which one do you prefer the most? XDI've been playing them for so long now (a couple fo weeks? XD) and I have to play new songs in order not get bored, huhu.
jag vill inte till skolan(!!)
känns som om jag har tusen saker att göra innan skolan börjar. Hur ska jag hinna!
S-K-A-N-D-A-R <333 ARHH! Så snygg.
Hey, vi måste träffas. Fast jag vet inte när, börjar jobba snart :S
Ja jag med!! XD
Va tyckte du om Caspain då? (Filmen XD)
DU vi måste!! JAg vet inte riktigt hur heller mina kusiner är här, men om ni åker ner till Malmö lr nått säg till :D
jag tyckte filmen var bra faktiskt. hade inga förväntningar på den så.. :P
kusiner från var? hur länge ska de stanna?
jepp, kang ville att jag skulle ner någon dag också.. så jag säger till :)
Mina kusiner från France. De är här till den 6te Aug. tror jag, men jag är ju itne hemam då så. XD
JA, men vet du vad jag vill gärna åka upp te festivalen ! :D
Keep on rocking. Du är duktig ju. Du tar ju bra baré-ackord också.
Haha. Tack för videon den var rolig. Första gången jag såg Burnin' up videon själv så garva jag inte år mustashen. Men nu gör jag det. HAHA!
Bra att texten var vid videon. jag har helt tydligt sjungit LITE fel. HAHA!
Är tillbaka från Finland btw nu.
re KAttis: AW tack så mycket! :') Det betyder jätte mycket :D Höhöh, baré är typ det ända jag tar XD
HAha jo, du brukar sjunga lite galet XD INTE? joe's mustache är själva höjdpunkten av Burning up videon ju XD
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