Tuesday 15 July 2008

About the list..

The list of Summer promises (copied from previous entry)

-Read at least 2 books (eventually Twilight, Harry Potter och Dödsrelikerna?)
still reading one..(The Body in the Library-Agatha Christie) XD
-Learn new songs on the guitar (All-american rejects, Hey There Delilah the whole song, Camp rock songs?) Any requests? XD
Kung Fu grip and Hey there Delilah are actually pretty decent now. I also just started to learn I Gotta Find You (Camp Rock). All american rejects? feels waaay in the future XD
-Learn the "Hey the Delilah" lyrics properly (!)
I think I know the words now, I mess it up sometimes but I know the words now. I'll post it someday and you'll see yourself XD
-Upload new video(s) to the blog
Does concert videos count? XD
-Get a youtube account
Yes I did! www.youtube.com/thatmandy
-Make tutorial videos and co-op with Therese! (Therese!)
looks a bit dark right now. I'll work on the tutorial but the co-op we'll have to wait and see
-Redo the walls of my room
DONE! I'll show you some time..;)
-Print out photos
After London I think..
-Get present for a friend
I made her one, she was really happy :D
-Blog at least every other day
Hhmmmm, how was that coming? XD
-Get a proper tan (t-shirt tan, so embarrassing..)
Working on it!
-Ride bike around whole Malmö
Meks! Call me! XD
-Look through all the school application brochures/booklets and decide my future
I did look through them, not very properly. Need to be redone.

List of important dates: XD
16/6- Start summer working
This went pretty well I think :D
17/6-Release of Camp Rock soundtrack (can I wait until U.K? XD)
Yes I can
20/6- Going to Göteborg (Camp Rock premiere in US, Carro going to Vietnam )
Had a really fun time
23/6-Watch Camp Rock! [new]
Rushed over to Therese's to watch, the songs are awesome!
26/6- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, JB in Copenhagen (more screaming)
O-M-J, first time seeing them. So unreal
28/6- IIIIIIHHH once again, JB in Stockholm (loads of more screaming)
It was just INSANE! The best day of my life, Kattis you're the best! :')
2/7- Premiere of Narnia; Prince Caspian (and I am going!)
Höhö, actually really good. :D
14/7 Last day of work
I didn't want to leave, I swear.
14/7- The cousins from France are coming
Yup, they are here. :D
29/7-"Tonight", JB new song off the new record premieres on iTunes!
Means I'm getting it on Youtube XD
2/8-Me and Meikei going to London!

Insane I tell you, INSANE!


Caroline said...

du gillade ditt jobb(?!) hoho
svårt att få en bränna när ni bara har haft tråkigt väder här i sverige :P

Tiffany said...

DU det gjrode jag verkligen :D Jag saknar dem redan XD
JAG vet jag försöker sola, men det finns ju ingen sooooll!! XD