Saturday 26 July 2008


Ops, I totally forgot to blog. XD I've been so "busy" with Imeem and such. XD (I hate that expression, what does...and such really mean?)
I got so caught up on it because I figured out that JB actually wrote comments here and a few days ago I talked to Chelsea Staub (starrs in j.o.n.a.s, minute men). Yes like more than a couple of words!
They've shot 10 J.o.n.a.s episodes and are waiting for the boys to finish their Burning up tour to shoot more episodes. Huh? I got that information directly from the source itself ;) (hoho, bragging)
Plus there's this cool friend tracker too, so you can see comments/blogs (and so on) your friends have made and to whom. (some would say stalking...XD) And for me being online for and more I've gotten more friends, which makes everything more interesting.
So if I haven't posted a blog in 2-3 days, you'll find me on Imeem. XD , check the comments out ;)

So guys, what do you say about the weather huh?! :D Personally I think it's great, I know loads of you think it's uncomfortably hot (even when you've been to Asia where it's at least 30 C everyday...caugh carro caugh) Finally I can work on my tan (doesn't sound like me XD) and I got so depressed with the lousy weather anyway. Maybe soon I can take my first swim this year.
We've planned to go to the beach tomorrow, so get your fingers crossed for warm water! XD (I'll dive in even if it's 10 degress, watch me XD)

I came home from Helsingborg today after being at the festival and all. It was great I really that festival feeling. At some good food and bought cool stuff. The Malmö festival is going to great.
There's just this one thing that annoys me so much on festivals. I know, much people is inevitable but haven't people learned how to walk and behave properly?! You know what, babies doesn't fit in festivals neither does baby carriages! By the stands (where there are most people), you do not suddenly stop and stand still! People constantly walks back and forth by the stands, therefore if you want to stop and talk or whatever, step further away from the stands!

Guess who we saw at the festival? SPONGEBOB !!XD

And about the so random entry about Jonas Brothers and me, earlier. Really I felt that I needed to get it out, it was all the time in my head better to get it out. So that makes up for all the little JB updates on every entry, so now we'll have some JB silence....for a while. (my readers cheers)


Caroline said...

haha svampbob.
skicka de där bilderna med brillorna nån gång :]

Tiffany said...

Hoho, javisst! :D Det var skit kul :D

Anonymous said...

vad kul Tiff, jag har inte heller badat en ända gång i sommar. i know same on me. ska du sola :O?

Tiffany said...

re meks: Jag badade faktiskt igår på stranden! WIIEE :D
Jag behöver sola för att få bort min äckliga miss-bränna XD Jag hatar att sola annars..XD LÖRDAG LÖRDAG LÖRDAG LÖRDAG! XD

Anonymous said...

Blä jag hatar SvampBob >.<
Men men... Jag skummade igenom din Jonas Therapy! Så skivan finns nu? Kolla! Bara en låt kommer på radion så kommer skivan oxå xP Crazy... Synd att det inte var den andra, jag gillar den bättre :P Hmm... orkade inte läsa hela (för mycket JB! xD)

Tiffany said...

re Elin: VA? Svampbob äger ju! XD
Nej jag tror itne bah för en låt gick på radio kom skivan, jag tror mer på de spelade i Sverige o att de är överallt på MTV nu typ, men hallå klart man tar in världens nuvarande hetaste band. ;) VI är inte så efterblivna :P *jinx!*