Wednesday 9 July 2008

JB FREE entry.....

Okej, I will try my hardest to make this a Jonas Brothers free entry, but can not promise anything. XD My life keeps on rolling, with unsually much emotions and Jonas. Can't help my freakin' hormones , they really are horrible!

My work at the kindergarden is coming to an end and I am not lying when I say that it's sad. This is my very first, you know, real real work (the mail-commercial delivery doesn't count XD) and it have been quite an experience. I never wanted to work with children before, thought it was creepy, you know kids they scream and run and drool you down. I've never really been with small children either, my brother and sister were babies ages ago and my cousins doesn't really live here so. But when I started it felt alright, it was not that bad. You get really attached to them eventually and I keep wondering how they will be when they grow up. I think I've had this image in my head of children being annoying and..icky but most of them are really cute and funny. You try your hardest to not make any favoruites bu in the end you can not fight it anymore. XD Huhu, personally I had one kid he looked just like Joe (Jonas) when he was a kid, SOOO CUUTTE. XD But then he went on vacation and then automatically I got a new one, I don't how it happens but it just does. XD

I think I've gotten like happier working with kids (hhhmmm can be questioned, who else is there? XD), they are so full of life and they are so untroubled. Everything is so new for them and they are just happy to learn about new things and they don't have any prejudices to mess with their head, they're so free. And for me it's amazing how they trust in me and how they in the smallest way show affection to me, it makes a person happy. Because in this cruel world of adults showing trust or affection is SO hard.
Being in the kidergarden have been like a escape from the real world, here you can act all silly and nobody cares you can act all bossy and nobody cares. It's great goofing around with kids, really.

About the funny stories, another time I swear by back is aching form sitting here too long. XD

Me and Sara making or own shakes! :D


Elin said...

I agree with you. Children are great! Sometimes they can be really difficult, but usually they are so sweet and affectionate and careing that you just can't help but falling in love with them xD

Anonymous said...

Jag säger bara: ShakeAWay!

Tiffany said...

re ELin: They are, I miss them already! :'(