Sunday 6 July 2008

Back to reality life....just not yet

I was kinda relieved when I was finished with the whole JB concerts blogging and was happy to go back to some regular blogging but then this comes up, right. XD Their "Burning Up" tour just started and I feel so lucky I've met them and seen them play in (a lot!) smaller venues, because when I see how they play for like thousands of people it feels distant you know, even in the same room. ANYWAY!
Their new tour seems incredibly awesome, you can really see that they've become so big and just the closeness of their whole band it's awesome.
I've seen some of the new songs they performed in their opening concert in Toronto, it just hit me how mature they've become and so has their sound, like in Can't have you: It feels like they can make music in a wider range and not retricted to disney-pop and I'm really happy for them. I've also found Love bug: and Video girl (this song is awesome!): Just now I found Be be good: Muhaha, they have a whole entourage on stage now XD They also did a cover of Shania Twain's "Gotta getcha good", it's so cute :D

I've been working most of the time from Mondays to fridays, from eight to three. I have some funny stories, save it for later ;)

The JB group (we who went to the Copenhagen concert) and I went and saw Narnia: Prince Caspian this wednesday. I think it's actually really good, I just haven't thought much of it I'll get back to you about my conviction but I know one thing for SURE: Skandar is so damn hot! :D:D Everytime Edmund came into the screen I was like "EEEEDD!" and waved my hand. Man he's awesome. MAHHAAA Caspian make me laugh so hard especially with....Susan. XD Okej I don't want to spoil anything in case you haven't seen it. It was kinda in the end and it was a "Caspian and Susan moment" and I couldn't help myself letting out a big laugh like "HHHHHAAAAAA" and to my surprise no one else thought it was funny.XD It was dead quiet and I let out this loud laugh and immediately I put hands on my mouth. I would have been pretty embarrassed if it wasn't dark. XD

The JB group and I have also had a great time making our own Burning Up video, it is awesome I tell you!

I've also finally made a Youtube account, (woohoo! I hear from Therese) I haven't uploaded anything yet but I will as soon as possible. Hang in there! And thanks again for all the support, I love you all! :D

STOCKHOLM! If I only knew how to go back in time...


Anonymous said...

The JB group ?! XD

Tiffany said...

re amanda: HAhahha jag kallar oss så, lr ja det är lättare än att säga my sister, my 2 JB friends and I XD

Anonymous said...

men det e nästan som JB troupe.. och de är konstiga! XD

Tiffany said...

re amanda: Jo jag täntke osso det, men avd ska vi kalla oss ? :D

Anonymous said...

Het bild dära. HAHA!

Tiffany said...

re vem du nu är: MAHAHA, KP jag vet att det är du! XD