Wednesday 14 May 2008

Not about Paris

Haya guys, I'm really depressed right now so I'm just gonan write a quick blogg entry to get some of it out.
Once again sorry for making my entries about Paris so freakin' long I have to divide one day in two parts :'(, but I hope you read it anyway :D

Almost only depressing stuff have happened today, it started with me going to school. Finally my dad had fixed adn refixed my bike so I thought: YES now I'll finally take the bike to school again. I come down, look for my bike, where the heck is it? I just saw it yesterday being locked here.
Then I see a wheel and on it my bike lock was on it. I COULD NOT BELIEVE it.
I don't know why really, bike theft are really usual but I just never thought it would actually happen to me. Now I'm both mad and depressed and then even more angry when my mum had to lecture me about it. S I G H
Also the 2 places I applied for summerjob, through the municipality cancelled. Crap, no summer job! Feeling more and more broke....

We've suddenly have thousand things more to do in school. 3 freackin' essays (no joke), history questions, more french presentations, music test, civics (economy) presentation and probably dozens of things more I just don't remember.

Why don't you kill me and be done with it? XD

I'm drugging "Play My Music", I swear.


Anonymous said...

*making first comment dance*
Well, you never really think such things could happen to you 'til it actually does :P
And school... well, I think my Saturday to study just disappeared as Dad gave me a job -.-'

Caroline said...

shiet blev den snodd där nere i källaren?
så mycket ni har kvar :o
jag har fått sommarjobb :D

Tiffany said...

re Elin: First comment dance? XD I know I never would think it would happen to me! XD
Aw, too bad XD

re Carro: NEJ itne i källaren, ute på gården. MEN gratulerar, strö salt på såren bara ja gör det! XD

Anonymous said...

what somebody stole your bike? Wow, never thought malmö is a place where people steal bikes haha.
Well... good luck with all the things you have to deal with.

Tiffany said...

re Mel: YEAh it's true. I got so freakin' mad! Well Malmö is not that innocent as you think but at least I didn't think my neighbourhood was like that! I've totally lost faith in it now! :'(
Thank you so much! :D