Monday 12 May 2008

Let's get this party started...

Okej, get this party startin'!! XD Huhu France feels like years ago now XD. I'll write everything I remember. ;)

Day 1; 2th May
The big day finally. I think I mentioned the freakin' problem I had finding a present for my hostfamily. (I'm really glad I did made the extra effort to find the perfect gift, they loved it XD)
So I came to school with my luggage, a smaller suitcase with wheels and one carrier bag (like sportsbag but fancy), on the bus (a bit problematic). I came rolling into school and I saw massive bunch of people on front a bus. I was like is that our bus? Our class are not that many, whta's the occasion?! XD It was the parents!
I hadn't expected this, really! Maybe it's just be that said Goodbye quickly to my parents before I went out but not kidding there were many parents crying there. It was actually some in my class going away somewhere without their parents for the first time.

I think that's kinda sad, I mean you're 18 now. You're practically a grownup you should gone somewhere a longer distance without your parents. How else can you learn to take care of yourself? I think parents like that, over-overprotective ones are more bad parents than good parents. If you don't let your child to things on their own terms, how will they survive the future?

The clock closes 12 and we were about to leave, off course plenty people was late. That's just how our class work, we can NEVER make anything on time, even when it's something like enjoyable like going to France. XD So when everyone finally had arrived, it turned out that 2 people had forgot their passports! (o m g) Their parents had to drive home and fetch them! Incredible! After another 20 minutes we were off on the road, with about one hour behind schedule.
First we came into Denmark then we took the ferry to Germany. I could see like everyone in the bus getting all excited over this and that, that was when I realized I was a experienced bustraveller. XD I've done like this exact same travel like 3 times now.
(The picture above is some classmates posing on the ferry ;))

After that it was basically motorway,cars and more motorways. At dinnertime we had come into Germany and we stopped for dinner. It was a pretty decent small road-resting place, they had some different restaurants (correction: hamburger place). I was really glad I had made some baguettes to take with me. And two of my friends were so stoked over being such a big help ordering food in German. XD Maahha, it made them so happy, which they reminded us during our whole time in France when they were useless and we other (me and some french speaking classmates included) babbeld in French.

Then came the night.......................

Can you just guess how many hours sleep I got? 8? 6? 5? Nope, about 3-4 hours I'd say. It was disastrous! (not mentioning 2 freaky classmates who stayed up all night because they wanted to see exactly when we entered France and the sunrise, which didn't came until we arrived in Paris XD)It was like just as I felt thta I was asleep, I woke up again because of something disturbing, either not comfortable pose or noise. It almost killed me, I was like a zombie that morning.

Okej this day was totally uninteressting but here you got a very detailed verision of it anyway. I make the other shorter. I promise ;)!
Picture of the day:



Caroline said...

så fult att föräldrarna grät!
hallå det är ju inte så att ni var borta i 10 år eller nåt xD

Tiffany said...

Huhuh, det var inte bara de som grät...enough said XD
Vi var borta i 7 dagar..:D