Thursday 15 May 2008

Game Over Prettyface

(note: This is part 3 in a series of my trip to France, please read "Let get this party started" and "Are you hungry" to get the whole story in chronologic order)

Day 2; 3th May [part2]
We some how found the way back to the hotel and finally check in. Me and a friend got a room on the highest floor, typical! It was annoying waiting just like 20minutes for the tiny elevator to be available for us to use, and you know me I prefer the stairs.

So now we've decided to go some great Manga stores at 11th arrondissment and then China Town at 13th. Automatically we needed my cousin to guide us, I'm pretty sure I can find the way in China Town but just in case you know. XD
Some how my cellphone ahd died during the night and my cousin couldn't get in touch or anything, because I'd called her a week before and we've decided to meet today.
Clever me, I found a wall socket in that shaggy luggage space and charged my cellphone, mmaahhhaaa!

We came back as I said and then I found out that my cousin had textmessaged me twice saying she was waiting at La Défense for us! OMG! That must have been like one hour ago, poor her! I hurried up and called her, told her that I said that I'd call her when we were finished but she must have got it wrong so I told her to come to Gare du Nord.
After ten minutes I rushed out to the trainstation to fetch her, alone! We were absolutely not allowed to go by ourself in Paris, hhuhuhu, hush hush. XD
We both came back to the hotel and I introduced her to my friends and we immidiately had a communication problem. My cousin hardly speak any English and my friends hardly speak any french nor chinese, I had to play interpreter speaking Swedish then Chinese and vice versa. XD

We came out to Voltaire at the 11th (I think?) and I still recognized the place, I was here the frst since last summer so it was pretty cool. I analyzed the place better this time and came to that freakishly many alternative people hung out here. French alternative people freaks me out, really I get all intimidated by them. Believe me it's not like the Swedish ones, I make fun of those! It was just weird and we ditched the place as fast as we could, no I'm exaggerating.
I guess my interest in Manga/Anime have decreased (XD) in general making me not buy anything or so. A bit sad I must admit.

Then after just 2 changes with the Métro we came up in China Town. I always feels so much like home there. XD We felt that we were hungry, not hungry hungry, but hungry then very hungry then not hungry then hungry, eehh you probably don't get it, me and my friends have discovered these many new stages in hunger while being hungry in Paris, I'll tell you later. ;)
We started to hunt down a decent restaurant that had good food still for a good price. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that we'd eated anything since breakfast, which meant a croissant and a juice. (Starved much?)
Everything was closed and we didn't want to eat at McDonald's! (picture one), apparantely they closed after lunch or didn't open before 6 o'clock, which wasn't until 20 minutes or so. After a while hunting for restaurants we just went into the first best that was open. We had to wait 15 minutes for our food but it was very good and I was delighted that my friends thought so too.
Unfortunately the stores in China town had closed when we were finished so we decided to head back to the hotel and rest (remember the 4 hour sleep I had the day before?)

When we came back I was dead tired and didn't want to do anything but to shower and go to sleep.
Anywho (wut?) the hotel had this small kinda cozy backyard (picture two, that's the stairs up to the rooms, you can not even see the fifth floor XD) and there we found our classmates not "completely sane", no clothes party and all that they came up with didn't seem very tempting....
I'm really glad I just took a shower watched some French TV and then just went to sleep.

How come everytime I have a concert, Prettyface is there? Do you know what? I was thrilled today to realize that it was Game Over for his sake, I'm so glad! I think I'll talk to him this monday, see if we could be friends wouldn't that be cool? XD
It's almost exactly one year since we first met Prettyface, how would I know we'd constantly meet the coming year?


Caroline said...

vem är prettyface?! du har berättat om honom innan va?
ärligt talat, vi har inte snackat typ sen påsklovet eller nåt. stört! :P

Tiffany said...

Mahahha, JAG VET! :'(

Anonymous said...

haha :D du kan bli en bra tolk!:D hahaha..// Sara :D