Wednesday 5 March 2008

Welcome to Pretty Odd

Hohoho, looks like I've got some spare time after all. You just have to plan your work and time well.

I've just remembered to watch "Nine in the afternoon" the video, guashh it just struck me, how much actually love Panic!at the Disco. That is a band who KNOWS how to make a fantastic music video. It's really incredible. If you haven't seen in, see here:
Apperrantly their new album, Pretty Odd, is releasing the 25th March! I hope for Sweden too! Just checked it says 26th March, MY B-DAAAYY! What an awesome coincidence, YYEES! XD

Had another meet and greet, no just kidding but another meet with a couple of Japanese student on some trip to Sweden. Well I'm lying about a "couple", because everytime I'm actually there there seem to be 1000's of them! XD
But this time was a bit different, we were going to in Lund this time (another city) and we had a bus taking us there. What we DIDN'T know was that, that bus was the Japaneses bus and we were going to pick them up from a shopping centre nearby and then going on to Lund. Isn't it hard enough trying to mingle with Japanese people in a language you hardly know anything else than "Wakarimasen" (which means I don't understand) in a open space like a hotel? But now on a bus?! XD It was disastrous, the teachers made us sit one by one with a Japanese student. Hohho, it was all YEAH let's communicate! (not...) I tried my best, it would have helped if she asked me some questions in return though! (humph!)
Anyway then we came to the university of Lund and we got together with the university students there. We got into this greeting room with snacks and stuff, we had to take some paper with a number on it choosing the place you're going to sit on, I was pretty much AAAAHHHHHh! the whole time, but luckily my frind got the number just nest to me so it was better.
Then the university students started to introduce themselves, ON EXPERT LEVEL japanese! My jaw totally dropped. Okej, after all the 20 students or something the high school students had to intrduce themselves too!!

I'm sitting there thinking that I've not used Japanese on the whole school break neither the last week, and now?! felt like I didn't know any Japanese anymore...
Ehm ehm......Hajime mashite, Tiffany desu. Totally kindergarden language...XD


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling! The two guys from the university sitting opposite me had studied Japanese for 5 months. FIVE!!! O.o And they were almost fluent! They spoke to the Japanese girl next to them all along and I just said a word or two when I actually understood what they were saying >.<

Anonymous said...

haha sällan ni träffar japaner xD

Sofia said...

Get a facebook Tiffany!

Tiffany said...

re Elin: I know! You felt totally hopeless XD

re Sofia: Huhuhu, what? Why? XD

Sofia said...

It's simply awesome and addicting.

Tiffany said...

re Sofia: Hohoho, I'm not sure if anythign more addictive comes into my life, no just kidding. I'll give it a shot...sometime :D