Wednesday 19 March 2008

Joe, take my banana!

Aaaahhhhhh I'm SOOOO HAPPY! :D Okej, I know I'm a really silly fangirl. But I DDOONNNNN'T CCAARREEE....laa laa la lala. :D Jonas Brothers make me soooo happy! It's absolutely indescribable! And I can't really let myself think of this summer, because then I'll just explode. takes a crazy fan to know a crazy fan. XD
Why this sudden crazy stage? Well, I was goofing off with my friends and sister yesterday, wacthing the S.O.S video and mimicing. I didn't realize how long ago it was since I actually listened to S.O.S and the video is wonderful I may just cry! It was all crazy, then we started to edit the videos in this movie maker program and it turned out to kick ass. XD No it's a really good video interpretation of S.O.S , huhuhuh. (Loads of crap, I know, I'm just not in this world right now XD

Anyway and today I saw the videos of their concert in a Stripped performance, acoustic no crazy fan screams. It was just so great, they played A Little bit longer, Take on me and some more. When I first saw A little bit longer, I just burst out in tears. I don't know really why, but this is just the way you get from being so crazy over something.....
Then I also found a myspace page where you could download these verisions and that just made my day! WIIEEEE, hope you don't think I'm too out of it..XD

SOOOOOOOOOOOO, this Sunday it was this GREAT wonderful spring weather and I was so happy. I even made my brother ride the bike with me to the mall. I even had my springcoat because it was warm enough. I had planned to go out again the next day with my friend and I really wanted to take the bike out again.
Monday morning I wake up, the sun is out and I'm like YYESS! Then after breakfast, WHAT DO I SEE? Snow? No this is not hapening! YES IT WAS SNOWING!! WHAT the hell?!?! Snowing in the middle of March?! This is mad! I was totally crushed.
That's not enough, you maybe think it just snowed a little then it melted but NO. It turned into a SNOWSTORM. I got out just because I had to return a book to the library. It was DREADFUL! I came to the Library and wishing that I would not have to go out ever again, but off course I had to. I canceled our "meeting" and played guitar for the rest for the day.
Snow is just making me pissed off, right now!
Picture of the day:
18th March morning, Malmoe, Sweden. Save us from this Global Warming!


Anonymous said...

Idiotväder ja, och det ska snöa på söndag. Hoppas att det smälter tills måndag >_<

Anonymous said...

Actually I kinda liked the snow :P It made me have no regrets whatsoever of staying indoors while trying to get rid of my cold :P
Still it sucks that it's going to snow again :P I just hope that it will go away til Monday ^^

Tiffany said...

I know!! I'm just gonna be reeaally pissed if there's still snow on Monday!

Caroline said...

det snöar på natten, smälter under dagen, snöar igen på natten. skitväder!