Wednesday 26 March 2008

Official old people now

Haya, I'm now a qualified blogger, I have a laptop!! Huhuhu. XD Today is my B-day and it has been wonderful (most of it). I woke up and the snow is a decimeter high outside but still that didn't get my mood down. This is a special day let's make it that way too.
I don't I'll ever gotten so many B-day wishes in my life, but thanks! It's warming. :D

Appearantly I've missed loads of stuff not being online for 2 days. Like tons of pics from Camp Rock and their performance on Dancing with the stars. I've caught up now anyway. Feels like I know exactly what's going to happen in Camp Rock now, seems like a typical child going on teenage movie. But I absolutely don't care, Nick, Joe and Kevin is it! I'd watch any crappy movie anytime for them...XD

My laptop: :D


Anonymous said...

I want a laptop like that too! But maybe I shouldn't say anything... xD Happy Birthday again anyway ^^

Anonymous said...

haha, alla såna kända blogger o vloggers och sånt har laptops^^

Tiffany said...

re Elin: NO you shouldn't I'm not the one who has my own stationary computer!

re Therese: Huhu jo precis därför måste jag ju haka på trenden ;)

Tiffany said...

re Therese: Huhuhu vilket bajs väder! XD MEN NEEEEEJJJJ, vem bryr sig om vi spelade fel. Ärlgit talat tror jag jag spelade mer fel än vad du gjorde jag glömde ju LYRICSEN!!!!

Caroline said...

snygg laptop alltså ;)

Tiffany said...

Danke schön!