Tuesday 4 March 2008


I don't actually have time to write so this'll be a quick one.

IT IS CRAZY how people have responded to my video, I'm the type of person who really don't know how to handle compliments, since I don't get them much (he-he.....>.>). But I absolutely love it, it's like the most wonderful thing ever. You guys can not imagen how happy you've made this girl! I'll be walking on clouds the whole week. :D I think I'll start crying here, I don't care whether you mean it or not, I appreciate it so much! :') THANK YOU SO MUCH! DÔMO ARIGATÔ GOZAIMASU! *bows*

There have finally been a confirment on JB playing in Sweden and Copenhagen, and I've running aroung crazy at home. They're going to be the support band to the Avril Lavigne's concerts!! (AAAH! You can not imagen my screaming XD).
So since I live 5 hours closer to Copenhagen than Stockholm, I've (first) bought tickets to the Copenhagen show!!!! NO I can't believe it either. They totally cost a fortune and kinda ruined my family's whole vacation but it really doesn't bother me much. XD
THIS IS CRAZY! :') I may seem very calm about it right now, I am not. I AM TOTALLY CRAZY over here. XD

I've got tons of stuff to do for school also. Our french teacher just got some crazy idea to give us 50 new words to have test over 3 days. Europeknowledge homework, economics homework, new speech!, finishing Swedish assignment and read the first act of Hamlet. And yeah this is just 2 days passing of this week.
Here picture of the day:

Picture of my favourite brothers :D


Anonymous said...

WIIE :D:D 26/6 :D

alltså man blir lite psykad av det :)

hoppas posten inte cpar btw..

Tiffany said...

JAG VET! Nu är jag lite nervös när biljetter inte har kommit än....XD

Sofia said...

Hamlet...we "read" it a couple months back...notice the quotations, technically I never read it, I sparknote[d] it and got 100 on the test.

Tiffany said...

re Sofia: HAhaha XD Sparknoted?