Friday 28 March 2008

Nostalgic much?!

Hey there, being a serious blogger and all that, huhu. Actually sitting here and listening to Radio Disney (!!) and killing some time before the Jonas Brothers are on again.
Yeah it was pretty weird. My friend taught me how to listen to radio stations on iTunes last week, I was like oohh cool, I always wanted to listen to radio disney. But I never really tried it after that, it just came into my mind like an hour ago and what do I hear?! Yeah, the Jonas Borthers were coming to the station! Hohoho I mean what are the odds? This is SO cool! XD I'm taping it on my sister's cellphone.

I've never heard them live so this is really something!
This week have been kinda cool, no school on monday, then my b-day and then not much in school but then our school is under construction and stuff. We had to get new lockers and all new classrooms. Finding them all were a bit hard. XD Then we got some classrooms we the first year, nostalgic much?!?! Huhuhu especially the classroom were we had nature-science so many horrible memories....XD

Now I jsut ahve to finish Le Petit Prince and Shakepseare's Hamlet...uuhh a lot to read. Besides that I'm also reading Paranoid Park by Blake Nelson, it's the book the movie with the same name. It seemed very interessting and exciting at first with the murder and no witness and all that. In the end reading it it's more like just any teenage drama book.

(I don't have any pics here yet so I'll have these for now....bare with me..XD)


Anonymous said...

Well, there was a lot of nostalgic there xD
You've got a lot to read! :P I wanna catch up on my book shelf, I've got loads of books I haven't read yet but the teachers keep giving us books to read so I really don't have time :/

Tiffany said...

Yeah my reading have been pretty hectic XD I've finished Le Petit Prince now and is in the end of Hamlet, yatta XD