So you might be wondering (probably not), who is this person (..she talks loads of shit)? Sometimes I wonder the same thing. As wonderfully egocentric I am, I will try to answer that question in this entry.
My name's Tiffany. I have one of those Chinese surnames you've probably never heard before. So yes, I'm originally Chinese but live in Sweden, until last year but more of that later. I lived a shockingly normal still, on the verge of boring, life in Sweden's 3rd biggest city with my family. I went to school. I studied a lot of English because I wanted to be in a Harry Potter movie (true story). I was a person with practically no free time because I studied and when I didn't I took both acting and violin lessons.
Last summer I graduated high school/upper secondary school (or whatever you call it) and moved on to study fashion marketing and journalism (yes that's my course) in London. Although I spent about 7 months in London the previous year I still consider Sweden as my home. In September I'll start my 2nd year and it more than sometimes freaks me out. I don't think of myself as a journalist, I neither think of myself as a fashion person and that also freaks me out.
I'm a highly classified no-life person. Most of the time I don't do anything interesting. I take a lot of pictures and I think photography is interesting as hell...and stuff. I edit and post most of my photos on my tumblr blog, on which I spend more time on than I would like to admit. I also teach myself to play, mostly Jonas Brothers, songs on the guitar. I regularly follow TV series and watch insanely many movies. If I could live anywhere it would be in a cinema auditorium.
And finally. I tweet. I recently rediscovered a Taiwanese boy band. I've had my heart broken once and never loved since. I rarely text or use my cellphone for that matter. I got Facebook purely from peer pressure. I would love to direct one day and I'm really into elections.
Peace out,
2 weeks ago
You know this is the most fun I've had reading your blog for a long time :P You should continue writing like that if you can. Like with that sarcastic, joking undertone :) Your description does suit you, but we all still like you, you know ;)
F4? :D :D
När blev ditt hjärta krossat? Orkestern?
re Elin: Gosh, you can't possibly imagen how glad I am to hear (read) this from you. :') I truly appreciate it. Thanks a million. :)
re Carro: Herk herk..Kanske? XD Well ja. XD
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