What's your favourite book?
To be honest I don't read that much. I could be all pretentious and say it's because I don't have time but I don't really enjoy reading books, it takes so long time. I'm like I'd rather wait for the movie. XD But I HAVE read some good books (when I want to feel snobbish) like "A Long Way Down" by Nick Hornby and of course the Harry Potter series.
Where do you shop?
In London, New Look, Primark, Uniqlo. In Sweden, H&M, Monki, Gina Tricot, Zara.
Are you going to watch Camp Rock 2?
Short version answer: Yes. Long version answer: As you might know I really dislike the forst movie and I was entirely against the making of the sequel. I knew it was going to be total turkey and I still know it's a turkey. As I've start to admit that my JB fandom's starting cool off I have pondered whether it's worth to watch it just for the boys, and my answer is yes (at least once). Why? Because I want to see Nick's (Nates) forbidden romancing with Chloe Bridges (whatever her name is in the movie).
What's worst with living by yourself?
I think it's the social bit, there aren't as many to talk to whenever I feel like it. Otherwise I'm managing the cooking and laundry.
What did you wanted to be when you were a kid?
An actress or before that an astronaut.
Which song did you most recently listen to?
Mr. Curiosity - Lena
Eller or Vogue?
Definitely Elle. I don't like Vogue's layouts.
2 weeks ago