Thursday 18 February 2010

I'm Mr. Brightside

Yet another nice day off. Snoozing, long breakfast, watching TV series, studying and vacuuming. The weather could've been better though. :P

Weekend is coming close, which is always nice. Laundry and an attempt of getting hold of a pair of Sonia Rykiel tights at H&M is planned at the moment. I don't know which will be more crowded Malmö with one H&M (selling Sonia Rykiel) or London with 4 H&M, on Oxford st (selling Sonia Rykiel).

Anyway the first assignment in my Online journalism class is to set up a blog and run it for 5 weeks. Mine's called.......wait for it......Confessions of a Twitaddict (no twitterholic wasn't available). It says much in itself, but yeah I'll go there some times a week and write about my Twitter habits and nerdy things like that. So please help me out with clicks and readership: I know it's rubbish at the moment, but I'll update it soon....I hope. I must say however it frightens me how difficult it is bloging for that blog while I have no problem babbling away in this one. XD I have to play it down, be casual, no pressure....

And some good news before i go, my cousin from Switzerland is coming to London! I can't possibly describe how awesome it's gonna be. I haven't seen her in so long, 3 years ago wasn't it? Goossh can't wait for the 26th! :D

A D D I C T.


Melanie said...

the guy on the red chair.. that's emma robert's dad xD

Tiffany said...

REALLY?! I didn't know that. XD