Tuesday 2 February 2010

Bonjour tout le monde!

In Paris right now and loving it. :) I love eating proper chinese food, watch french TV, eat pain au chocolat and just the whole package you know. XD

(St. Pancras International)

The train ride to Paris went by quickly, I fell asleep right after we departed from St. Pancras and woke up when we were on French ground. I arrived at Gare du Nord and then took the bus to my grandma's place. Believe it or not I do remember some French and I even spoke some today. XD Muahhaha.

(Paris Gare du Nord)

(Forum des Halles)

Since my cousins have school during the days I've been strolling around Paris by myself. Today I went to Les Halles to do some shopping (the place is huge!), actually found a pair of shoes. Craaazzy. XD Then I took a walk to le Louvre and took pictures. I had planned to go to the Jardin du Tuiliers as well but the weather was so crappy I decided to go back home instead.

Paris+Sherlock Holmes soundtrack on iPod+my camera=Awesome day

(Outside Musée du Louvre)

Gonna go watch the new Heroes episode now, wanna see some ass kicking (especially Matt's!). XD Au revoir!


Elin said...

Det där vädret ser ganska fint ut jämfört med här >.< Snöstorm igår och i förra veckan, mer snö och blåst ikväll. Yay. -.- Men Paris är mysigt, vill åka dit igen :)

H said...

åh Gare du Nord. Underbart om dagarna, grymt läskigt om nätterna =) hope you're having fun. X

Tiffany said...

re Elin: Usch ja, gla för att de inte är snö här. :P

re Hesho: Haha, tack :)