Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Editorial assistant

I'm delighted to say that I have landed an internship!  It's for a small corporate communication magazine (you know very interesting stuff). Politically correct I'll be the "editorial assistant" (fancy isn't it?) and will basically do a lot of research and just help out with whatever. Still, I'm quite excited (actually bursting with excitment).

The interview went well, i.e I didn't embarrass myself, execpt for the awkward moment when the interview guy (magazine's publisher) found a dead insect in his coffee. And ebfore I knew I was invited to come along the upcoming week.

Tomorrow will be my first day and I'm going to help out at a conference they're holding in Russel Hotel. Formal dressing will be required, which will be fairly interesting since nothing in my wardrobe is particularly formal. With any luck I might not make a total fool out of myself tomorrow. Fingers crossed.



Meikei said...

Neej vad kul!!!! Ett stort Grattis! You deserve it! Jag är så glad för din skull. Önskar dig all lycka! Puss

Caroline said...


Tiffany said...

re Meks & Carro: TACK SÅ MYCKET!! :)