I have to admit, people rarely ask me things.
They rarely ask me how my day was or what do I like about London or why I'm interested in fashion. You know, questions that I somewhat would like to answer. But because of how the universe loves to be ironic, the few times I've been asked anything they tend to be questions I don't like to answer. The most popular being "are you going to stay in London after you graduate?" or "are you going to find a work placement?"
I hate answering these questions because it makes me think about the future, getting a job, getting a work placement and improving my CV and all of which just gives me acid refluxes.
So let me answer them (hopefully) once and for all.
Are you going to stay in London after you graduate?
I get this so frequently I've even created a model answer, which goes indifferently like this: "Ehm, I don't know. It depends, if I get a job in London I'll stay if not I'll probably go back to Sweden." This is the pretty cut version, which effectively covers the actual answer.
The uncut answer goes something like this: I don't know. I'll probably won't find a job in London because of A) the awesome reputation of my Uni B) my toilet paper to CV, which will leave me with either slaving at McDonald's waiting for better prospects or going back to Sweden living off my parents as I'll search for jobs I'm probably not qualified for because I have a British degree. Of which I'll probably choose the latter because I can't stand the smell of frying oil.
Are you going to find a work placement?
First of all it's not really up to me to decide whether I'll find a work placement or not, is it? They actually HAVE to hire me before too right? But if you could convince someone to hire me that'll be great. Anyway, I usually say I really want to find a work placement. I really do but they're hard to find. The truth is I'm just too busy or lazy to look for them.
However I have some good news, in my absence from for example blogging, sleeping or actually living my life I've sat down to fix my CV and write those stupid covering letters and I've emerged with no less than 2 interviews in the near future. So am I going to find a work placement? Hopefully yes.
2 weeks ago
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