Monday 26 November 2007

Collective suicide, ftw!

Puuuhhh, this day have felt like 2 whole weeks, maann! What a long day.

Started out not so well, over slept a bit, came just in time to school. We had civics, news coverage a few girls had about the many bombings troughout Malmö this year. It's kinda creepy, since one bomb ACTUALLY was placed under a car just outside my appartment. I eman you never realize how things are before you experience it yourself, you kinda think you're protected in some way; like "That's never gonna happen me, impossible!" That's how we sweet naive Swedes think...
Later we had english (our english classes are a total mess, dont want to go into details..), we started with some speeches (something we prepare individually and present), one had about teenage rapes.If there's something I CAN'T stand, it is talking, seeing or reading about rapes. It's kinda something I'm under denial of..weird. I think it's jsut so awful, if not the worst, and I can't stand thinking about it! Uuuhhh.
She talked about that she was there when someone had attempted to rape her friend. When she was finished a smaller discussion broke out ( thats not hard for out class, we can make a discussion of absolutely EVERYTHING), our teacher thought it was really awful and started to babble up the things to do to prevent rapes, then one by one had to tell about recent rapes where and what.... Then we came to the conclusion that it really could happen everyone and that's dangerous, when one of them said; everything's is dangerous, living is dangerous! Then off course someone (herk herk) had to say; Oh oh, I think I hear someone suggesting a collective suicide!WUHAHAHHAHAHA!

LLATTEERR, during my french class and geography lesson, we went on a play. Macbeth, original Shakespeare. Wuuhuhuuh, imagen all these thy,, thee, anon (caution, spelling!)! It's was really authentic and really cool, but it got kinda boring in the end. They did of course, invite all the secondgrader (high school) from our school, and some from another shcool..I think. Man, suicide, SUICIDE I SAY! It was really awful, they couldn't behave more childish. NIGHTMARE! Get this: in the middle of the first half, Macbeth (the guy playing him) came in the front of the scene and shouted to some on the first row: Do you think I'm deaf? I've performed for children behaving better than you! (Man, it was scary!) Then the light came up and the guy in charge of the light and stuff yelled at us, blalblalbbla, then after a while the play started again. It was SO Humiliating!


Anonymous said...

hahahaha xD....funny class :D mine is the same ....can start a diskussion on every topic :D and the comments :D haha...u didn't talk about french class at pauli :D haha! // Sara

Tiffany said...

There weren't much to say about Pauli XD.
I know, I totally died in the theatre.

Anonymous said...

Well...u saw me today ....u didn't mention that :'(