Friday 23 November 2007

A Harry Potter Tragedy

Since I don't have much fantasy right now. I'll post some extracts from my myspace blog here.
The swedish Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows (Harry Potter och Dödsrelikerna) came out this Thursday!!
expectations.. expectations.. expectations.. expectations..

I've already read the english edition, so I guess I'm not as hyped up for it as I should be otherwise. But I know, that's not the whole truth..What have really happend these latest months is I've lost interest in Harry Potter and I think it's HORRIBLE! You guys who dont know me, I am or was a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I was one of those Harry Potter addicted kids running around and quoted the books, just kidding no it wasn't like that but I was at least one of those who got updated daily on whatever going on around the subject Harry Potter, whether the books or movies or anythingelse. I was FIRST! I knew the first pictures of the third movie (and above) in order! I saw evey little freakin clip and commercial for a commercial for anything the new movie. I was first in the bookstore and first in the cinama for the newest Harry potter.You can NOT believe how much Harry Potter have influenced my futile life. It is huge!At this point you must think: Man what kinda maniac is this?!?! No but this is the sad truth.What's the most sad thing is that they're shooting the sixth movie and the dvd is coming out and I have just been like "screw thiiis" and ingored everything. I realized I had lost interest. (I mean dont like it as much, just under denial) I have always thought I would become this old lady sitting in a chair telling tales about my life with Harry Potter and stuff, because Harry potter is something I've always.... been really into.
First I felt kinda scared, I've abandon everything I am!!(a bit dramatic) I really love the feeling, I guess all the fans have had the feeling once or twice, you know when you reread order of the phoenix and just stop and smile and think: man this I can do all my life! or after seeing the newest movie on cinema at the premiere or getting yout hand on the newest book for the first time.
Why this could have happened:
1. Jonas Brothers (!!!), when something as huge as this comes in the way, theres no space for 2 equal interests.
2. It's finished, the book series is over. There have always been a thought in the back of your head, there'll be more books! And you wait, you know it's more than a year until then but you'll bear with it because you know the result of waiting will be more than worth it. You know it would end, SOME TIME, but it was still a bit unreal to think it would.

I've grown up with the Harry Potter books! It'll be weird....


Anonymous said...

Harry it so 2006 ;) haha ...jonas brothers 2007 right? xD...haha..u changeble person

Tiffany said...

Wuahahhaa, I know right! XD

Anonymous said...

hahaha gotta keep up with what is in now :D fashion :D u fashionista:D