The first day back in school is always a big deal. Even though you try to be all casual and pretend not to care, you do. You're wearing that new outfit, nice but not too nice, you carefully do your hair, chooses shoes with great considerartion, you know the whole bibbitybobityboo. And so it was for me today, I daresay I was even a little bit more jumped up since my first lesson was Fashion forecasting.
People outdressing each other and glaring at each other rather than focusing in class. That's my everyday, guys, how sad it may be. And I could see all of their familiar glances, not familiar on the other hand was the teacher. At first was insanely happy to not have our teacher from last year (and I quote, who was the devil who wished he was in Prada) but as the lecture when on I started to have mixed feelings about the new teacher. He was as far from fashion as you could come. I mean he spelled Chanel with 2 n's for god sake. But I will not complain, at least he's good at teaching.
But after all the silly giggling from the back row and judging glares I was actually relieved to go to my Media Law and Ethics class. I had stepped one foot into the room and I hear "Hello Tiffany!", well well well isn'tmy journalism teacher from my 1st semester. I was like, how the hell do you remember me? XD Another pleasant surprise, who's not sitting there in a black cardigan but.... the Jesse McCartney guy. I had a weird feeling that this module was going to nice already. ;) But jokes aside, when I'm in my journalism classes it's like I'm in a different world. Here people are actually.......intelligent. They know stuff that makes me feel stupid and they contribute to the class. This is why I could never change my course to only fashion marketing. Although I'm not too keen on journalism in general, I need these real classes, not to mention there are actually boys there. XD
The journey back didn't went well at all. As a punishment for the easy journey in the morning, the Overground trains decided not to run. What. The. Hell. So I had to take the bus, which were already packed as it was and since there are not buses going anywhere near where I live, I had to change like a zillion times. So after not an hour, but TWO hours I was home. It was after 6pm. Tube strikes fml.
Otherwise I still haven't been able to get the Les Miserables songs out of my head (I woke up to Drink With Me) and I'm not planning to do it either. :P (currently listening to A Little Fall Of Rain)
2 weeks ago
kollar folk snett på en i fashionklassen om man har konstiga kläder eller? :<,
haha, jesse mccartney! vad roligt :D
nej, men man bah vet att alla kollar på alla.
Hahaha. ;)
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