Gosh I know I'm so boring and I'm such a failed blogger. Newsflash. You know what, one day, ONE DAY, I'm gonna have a really interesting blog which is gonna motivate me to write often. I almost get depressed reading you guys' blogs, feels like you're having so much fun and you're so comfortable in your life. As is should be. And I on the other hand couldn't be living a more boring life, and the remaining question is if I should keep up a blog about a completely boring life.
Anywho, it's friday already! Good friday or whatever it's called. But I'm happy I've done stuff already, like meeting a couple of friends, shopping, applying for summerjobs and eating. :P I've been invited to 2 of my friend's b-day celebration tonight, it's a Micheal Jackson theme. It's gonna be nice, I'll don't know most of the people but hey...so what. XD
Dudes, I'm just gonna continues doing this Song tag thing unitl it's done, it's not many left is there? :P
Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
U Got Nothin' On Me by Demi Lovato
Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Make a Wave by Demi Lovato & Joe Jonas
Day 22 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Hold On by Jonas Brothers
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
When You Look Me In The Eyes by Jonas Brothers
Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Vesper's Goodbye by Nick Jonas and the Administration
2 weeks ago
I thought Send It On was better than Make A Wave, I don't know - it just didn't speak to me the same way.
Yeah me too. I'm just into it at the moment because it's new and it really grew on me! :P
Du vet jag brukade tänka likadant om min blogg :P sen började jag att skriva om bara speciella dagar och när jag inte hade nåt att skriva så slängde jag in nån novell eller så jag skrivit. Du kan ju försöka göra samma sak om du tycker du kan det (fast kanske med gitarr istället för skrivande) ;)
Hold On är förresten en förvånande bra låt att lyssna på när man är ledsen - har inte tänkt på det innan :O
re ELin: Tack för tipset, ska tänka på de. :)
Hold on ftw! :)
Jag kommer sta pa ditt brolopp i sanna fall och vifta med armarna till 'When you look me in the eyes'.
re KAttis: AHHAHA det får du verkligen göra! XD Då var det bestämt då ;)
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