I can actually come up with hundreds of advantages of not being me. Let me start with;
1. Socially awkward
"Hi, I'm Tiffany and I'm not able to be around people."
Sometimes I think I instinctively avoid being around people. It's not like I hate being around people, I just rather be alone (mostly...). And then I mope around for not having friends or being liked, serves me right, huh?
I just seldom ask people to do stuff together, I rarely text, I'm not on Facebook 24/7, I'm terrible at small talk, I don't know how to make funny comments, I don't have funny anecdotes to tell. I'm just really awkward especially talking in a group of people, I'm always the one smiling pathetically and swifting the weight back and forth with my feet. And now I'm beginning to understand that being the independent-headphone-girl is eventually going to be my death, at least career and relationwise.
The truth is I don't have problems approaching people, like talking to people I don't know or initiate conversations with people I know. I'm just incompetant when it comes to building up a relationship and surround myself with people.Why is that? How do you do it? Is there a Social Skill class I missed somewhere along growing up?
There you go, didn't this make you feel better? :)
Yours Sincerely,
2 weeks ago
I think I'm something of the other way around. I can't talk to people I don't know or start conversations an dat first I'm really awkward actually talking to someone at all. But if they talk to me, if they start, I could talk...
And for some reason people seem to like me despite the fact that I'm ridiculously shy...
Vet inte riktigt vad jag ska skriva. Du har inte missat nån social skill klass. Vissa är mer sociala än andra. Det går om du bara vill! Jag var inte så social innan heller men med åren som gick försökte jag bli mer social och tycker jag lyckats rätt bra Som sagt, om man bara vill så går det. :)
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