Saturday 9 January 2010

Here we go again

London greets with snow and death cold. Haaa, I love it already. -_-

It's horrible how I seem to never write in my blog, bbllllaaah. But anyway here's a recap of my winter break.

Being home was absolutely wonderful, didn't wanna go back to London (yet here I am XD). Met most of my wonderful friends and I miss you already. Tried to do as much school work as possible but mostly it ended up with me doing something else. Procrastination, you gotta love it. XD Christmas and New years eve was great, finally I could eat REAL food.

THIS is heaven :D

I rewatched Heroes season 2 and was halfway through season 3, when the fourth started again. Was is it just me or even though it was a 2 hour episode it still didn't say anything? Other than giving false hopes to people that West was coming back! (herk..) During the short (VERY) break I've made the habit of watching How I met your mother and Mythbusters, hhaaaah TV is awesome. XD

Towards the last few days before going back to London, it was my dad's birthday. We invited some friends and had awesome dinner and cakes (note plural), it was so nice. Then yesterday me and my sister went to the cinemas and saw Sherlock Holmes. Long anticipated. Knowing it would be far different from the original books I thought it would be interesting to see the new interpretation. I absolutely LOVED it. It was very different from the books but as a movie it was brilliant. Jude Law killed it! ;)

Also went and saw Avatar in 3D with a couple of friends. I can hear 99% of the earth's people yelling at me already but honestly I didn't thought it was THAT great. I'm not saying it was a bad movie no, but it was a too long and it got boring and therefore made the predictable story even more predictable XD. I think it was too Sci-fi for me. So stop yelling! XD

Us looking gorgeous in 3D glasses


Elin said...

Jag gillade förutsägbarheten i den filmen :P Det är en film som är lätt att se men som man ändå tycker om att se. Såna filmer är bra ibland ;)

Tiffany said...

Jo, ibland är förutsägbarheten helt ok. Tyckte den var alldeles för lång XD

Kajsa said...

Jag gillade Avatar (side note - den sekundära världen var helt okej, vilket är fantastiskt för amerikanska sci-fi/fanatsy filmer som inte är baserade på de riktigt bra böckerna, som Sagan om Ringen). Jag vill jättegärna se Sherlock Holmes, och så klart Jude Law var bra. Kan han vara något annat i en sån roll?

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: Angående Jude Law. NEJ verkligen inte! Funderar på att se om den här t.o.m XD