Saturday 28 November 2009


I did it. I DID IT!

There were times when I actually thought it was impossible for me to finish all of my assignments in time. I went completely loco the last couple of days, so stressed out. I've been studying non-stop for a month, it has been the most stressful and demanding month in my life. I even got stress rashes for the first time, yuk! XD

After I submitted my last assignments (4 hours before deadline) there was no discribing how relieved I was. Although the semester isn't over yet and I still have minor projects and homework, that is nothing compared to the month I just had. It was Hell, if I may say so. But anyway something good I got out of it was a lesson well learned. Planning is everything. Slacking is suicide. XD
Anyway I'm so glad it's over and I know now how to handle upcoming assignments better. What is in my near future right now is RELAX (including a lot of guitar playing), Christmas shopping and eventually going home! :)


sonja said...

naww:( sakna daiij ossså hehe:P men här i Malmö e så tråkigt haaah skillnad mellan London:P heheh ta hand om daiij nu till jul...du kommer ju på besök:O???? :D

Tiffany said...

JJaaa, men jag saknar tråkiga Malmö!! :( Jo komemr hem den 18de Dec. :D Vi måste ses när jag e hemma! :D

Kajsa said...

Right there with ya'. Jag har också haft en sjuk månad. Det här momentet handlar om 1800-talsromanen, och vi skulle läsa tre böcker i veckan. Helt fantastiskt omöjligt. Och nu har vi en hemtenta till på fredag som jag har ingen aning om vad jag ska göra med, plus att jag nu är förkyld. Men, snart är det jul XD

Elin said...

Varje gång man tror sig lärt hur man ska planera så går det ändå åt helvete nästa gång xD Får ändå hoppas att det inte blir lika jobbigt för dig igen ;)

Måste ses när du kommer hem. Fika? Bio? :P Kajsa kommer ju inte förrän efter jul >.>

Har tentatider nu. Tre tentor på två veckor. Awesome.

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: (e i skolan, gonna write in english XD) Yeah, the previous month was a living nightmare.
Things are tough but you just gotta keep on fighting, better times are lying ahead. :)
Hahaha, I could never have read 3 books in a week, crraaazy! XD Aw, I feel so bad for you being sick, I really hope you get better soon. :)

re Elin: Haha, thanks. I certainly hope it will never be this stressful again! XD
We HAVE to meet at xmas break, we have to! XD
Oh good luck with you exams, gambatte! :)