Friday 6 November 2009

Hi, you've reached Tiffany

I'm very busy at the momemt. Please leave a message after the bip. Biiiiiip.

Yes I really am. But I thought it wouldn't be fair for you guys not to write anything. The week so far has been crazy, so much studying, staying at school 4 hours after class and so on. But I'm getting the hang of it now...I think.

So what have happened since? Yeah I still feel so guilty that I didn't posted a Happy Brithday entry to Kevin yesterday, I really was god damn busy. XD But here it goes Happy belated Birthday KJ 2! Gosh I remember like it was jsut yesterday when I wished him a happy 21st birthday from Edinburgh. (Aawww, guys! I think of Edinburgh everytime I go to Sainsbury's, which makes me miss you guys!!)

If you followed my twitter last night (and why wouldn't you? What else could you possibly have done?! XD) you could see I was watching the EMA's. Still mad that Uk is really fussy about their MTV over here, can't watch anything, blaaah! Fortunately I got tipped off a canadian website and I could somewhow watch it. It hacked a lot (like I couldn't catch that when Kevin said something wrong prestening the MJ tribute, argh!). HOWEVER, Jonas Brothers didn't win the Best Group award (surprise,surprise), although I voted so much that I got exceeded my amount of voted TWICE. Tokio Hotel won, which I basically knew from the beginning, I mean it was a given. Tokio Hotel-Berlin-Germany-Tokio Hotel?! XD It would be really awkward if Jonas Brothers won though, the german audience would've boo-ed them. XD Anyway it was really nice seeing them, Joe with his awesome new hair and all.

It was also the bon fire/guy fawkes day yesterday, and people are firing fireworks every other seconds now (still!), guess they do it for the whole week or something. I was planning to go see some of the official firework shows this weekend, but yeah..I don't have time. Gosh I couldn't even go to the Oxford x-mas lightning on tuesday either!!

Suddenly there's so much to tell you guys, like my epiphany and the very interesting thing we discussed in our journalism calss the other day. But that will have to wait, because I have to tell you this: I've got a guitar! Yes I HAVE! L O V E playing, absolutely adore it.

Martin Smith, steel stringed.


Elin said...

I think we all do that, stay in schoo for hours after class. Even I do it! Too bad you couldn't go see the bonfires, I think that wouldv'e been fantastic.

Happy playing ;P

Caroline said...

Nice med gitarren! Önskar att jag hade ett piano

Tiffany said...

re Elin: Yeah, I guess. XD

re Carro: Haha tack :D Ja, det är lite svårare att köpa dock XD

sonja said...

heeh exakt:D är det skönt i london? heh hur går det i skolan då? du ha din blogg på engelska det vill jag också ha:P heehe ska man registera sig på istället?

Anonymous said...
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Kajsa said...

Fun that you're busy! That's when you that you're alive. I have,of course,also been superbusy.


Tiffany said...

re Sonja: Skönt i lOndon? XD Hmmm, inte speciellt just nu har sjukt mycket att göra. Men det går nog. XD Nej du kan bah bestämma själv att du vill skriva på engelska. XD Men om du vill kan du ju skaffa en blog på

re Kajsa: haha, yeah. XD Good that you took time to comment though, wanna hear from you! :D