Tuesday 1 April 2008

When you think it's lost

Hey you guys! Sorry for blogging so short recently. XD It's been pretty hectic, with new school stuff to do. We've got tons of stuff now!
Finish Shakespeare's Hamlet-having test on Shakespeare, Geography presentation in two weeks-which I started with yesterday XD, French book presentation-still a bit confusing.., History newpaper-still in the beginning and Japanese presentation on japanese historical periods.

Hohohoho, it was more than I thought it was. XD But I still got some weeks to work on some of them so I think I'll manage. XD And now with the big reconstruction of our school, getting information and stuff is pretty hard, since all our (the EU-classes') books are in some locked room away from the construction and 3/4 of the library being a construction wokring place. AArrghhh! I don't know what they thought of really when starting to build in the middle of a school term. Anyway, I've written a longer blog about our school being udner construction here: http://www.latinet.se/menu/134824/sv/132368/
It's my blog I write for my school's website, it's in Swedish though but you guys who know Swedish please check it out. :D

Let me review my yesterday!
So it started out with really nice weather, I even decided to take the bike to school. WWIIEE! I was so proud. It's actually faster to take the bike than the bus XD, but it was really nice and calm that morning. I came to school a bit battered and my first lesson was on Pauli! So the search of the right classroom begins. It's true that Pauli is a frickin' labyrinth, it's impossible to find anything there! Well I'm not going to lie and say we didn't find the classroom because we did find it. (miracle?)
Then the school day went past as usual until our last lesson, Geography. We've started this project, it's about doing a research about a optional city (small or big), like the exact position, all it's functions and it's urban area. It's still not very clear to me exactly what the main thing is... XD.
Anyway, due to the difficulties of finding information in the current state of our school me and another friend decided to go home to the computer and search some there instead, and we were going to do it, it wasn't an excuse to skip class.
So I walk down to where my bike was locked. I was about to go when I realized I've lost my iPod. I looked in my jacket, my pockets and my bag. Panic. It was not there. I tried to think where I saw it the last time......at my french class in PAULI! I lock my bike again, I rush over to Pauli. Crap there is no one in the classroom, I went to the nearest staff room and ask the man if he could just quickly open the classroom because I've forgotten my musicplayer in there. He opens up, I look everywhere and I don't find it. Panic a little bit more.

You maybe don't understand but I love my iPod. I have had it for 2 years now, it's the old verision of nano, it'slike my baby. No just kidding but it has sentimental value and I simply can't live without my Jonas Brothers. He...heee.hee..

Back to the story. The man says maybe your teacher has taken it for now, he told me where to find my french teacher. I went up to here (on the 3rd floor) and found her, I said I might have forgotten my musicplayer in the classroom then she quickly goes into the staff room to fetch her purse. I asked her if she had taken it. She hadn't but she would go with me down to classroom to look for it. I don't know why I didn't tell her I already had been there, she was so eager to help me. So we went down there again, I looked all over the place again. Didn't find it.
My teacher wished me luck to find it and I went to my school again, to my locker, maybe it was among my french books. I literally turned my locker inside out and I looked through my bag again. Then.....I reach in to my inside pocket. It had been there all the time!! I had put it there during my french class, now I remember.

Here I've wasted 30 minutes looking for something I had with me all the time.
Yeay me.......


Caroline said...

asååå.. SJUKT bra blogg på din skolhemsida! :D

Tiffany said...

AAAWWWWW! Tack så mycket! :D:D:D SÅ glad jag blir! :')

Anonymous said...

Det där med din iPod är nånting som jag skulle kunna göra xD (och har gjort :P)

Tiffany said...

re Elin: Huhuhu, det är så dumt att det knappt är sant XDXD