Monday 14 April 2008

I did not do this..

Haya, you guys won't believe this even I don't believe it sometimes. I wrecked my laptop!! It is crazy!
This was some days ago but I haven't told anyone or made it official because it felt like it haven't happend if I didn't talk about it.
But I can not escape from the bitter truth, well not entierly, I didn't wreck like wrecked the whole computer. It's the CD-ROM thing, where you put in CDs and stuff, you can not open it. The putton you're supposed to push have been stuck inside its hole. I have no frickin' idea of how it happend but I suspect it happend sometime when I took it with me to school in my backpack (I haven't gotten these fancy computerbag yet) and I took the bike to school, the backpack being in the handlebar basket. I can't say that my road to school is completely plain, there are some bumpy roads, but not much!
Anyway I'm like still under denial and my dad had to call the sony VAIO support line and make them take my computer to fix it and stuff. (I think I'll cry) I hope they fix it fast, I can't forgive myself if anything goes wrong with my laptop and I JUST GOT IT! I am not the kind of person who wreck stuff och forgets stuff all over the place. I'm a neat person I am organized, this is a totally setback for me.

It was long time ago I blogged about something serious. I thought I had time to do it today but nope, I had a french book review to do. :( I'll do it soon I promise! Why don't you read some at my school's blog:

Just a recap of today (?). My weekend have been insanely hectic, starting and finishing a geography presentation project, which went totally crap today. I never got the time to practice what to say and soem parts I didn't know what to say. I knew I could have done a much better project with a powerpoint presentation and better prepared but I've got too little time and there's nothing else I can do. I did my best.
While presenting it, everything was a mess, I didn't know what do say and what I did say was totally incoherently (I think). My over-head pictures were all a mess, I didn't know which one to put on. Anyway it is done now, I am not proud of it but it's done.

And I haven't even mentioned my music class. First of all, we didn't have English class because the teacher is doing this onational oral test with some groups and not mine. Because of that I totally lost track of time. Me and my friends even sat in the cafeteria talking way after we were finished. I glance over at the clock and thought that I didn't start until one hour. Then suddenly my friend says (because they don't have music class);
Tffany don't you have music class .
Well yeah but I doesn't start until an hour right..

NO, english ended long time ago
I ran out, threw everthing into the washer thing, ran outside to the annexe (where I have music). For a centisecond I saw black, SHIT, my music teacher was like the only teacher who didn't open the door if you came late, SHIT SHIT SHIT! Outside I almost ran over two from my music class, I was delighted to see them. I asked why they wasn't on the music, they said it was canceled and that they had waited and waited for the teacher to come but he didn't.
OMG! THANK YOU! I was so grateful, just right this day I'd be late it was cancelled I thought there had to been some higher powers helping me that day..XD

Picture of the day:

This is the book I'm doing a review of, interessted?


Caroline said...

du verkar minsann ha haft några jobbiga dagar :/
är boken bra förresten?

Anonymous said...

That was so... I dunno... fun?

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Tja, man tror den är bättre. Jag tror jag vill kolla på filmen men jag rekommenderar itne den direkt, men du gilalr ju sånna skate grejjer XD Du aksnke gilalr den.

re Elin: VA? Vad var det som va så kul? XD