Sunday 20 April 2008

Raise your hands up in the air and scream..

Attention Camp Rock-ers! Tons of things have been released in such short time. The official Disney website is up, with clips (OMG if you haven't seen the one Joe teaching the calss dancing you're gonna flip!), new pics and some pre/view/listening of new songs such as "Who will I be" by Mitchie and "Too cool" by Tess. There are also (Shane's verision) I gotta find you with parts not seen/heard before, it's amazing can't wait for the whole song!!!
Also yesterday Disneychannel released the music video of "We Rock" which is abolutely awesome! I must admit for being a such crazy JB fan I don't like the song very much but the chorus is just so freckin' catchy!
Watch it here:

I had a even weirder day yesterday, on top of the weird week that have passed. So it's Saturday, I have loads of things to do, begin at my Japanese presentation for this wedensday, some chinese, rehearse my lines for my theatre play and maybe even start thinking about my new speech for thursday. I end up rewriting my french presentation and learnt a new song on my guitar (Thats just the way we roll ;)! Huhu XD
I had planned to do all the schoolwork in the afternoon, but I was on the computer for a really long time, too long. Then my parents went out to some friends, my sister had chinese class and then my brother went out to play football. I was home alone and just was about to begin the preparation for my Japanese presentation.

Someone rings at the door. I see that it's a chinese woman, probably a friend of my mum. I open, yes she seeks my mother. I said she was not at home and she suggested to call my mum and I did. My dad answered,
There's a woman searching for mum outside our door!
He told me to let her in and that they were coming home as fast as they could.
OOOOOKKEEEEEJJJ. It turned out that this woman has her older son with her and I invite them in, I show them the livingroom and they sit down in the sofa. EHHHMMMM WHAT NOW?! My mind went totally blank, I went into the kitchen and washed the dishes!!! I didn't WHAT TO DO! I've never seen these people in my entire life what was I supposed to do? I didn't want to be rude, so I asked if they wanted to drink anything. They didn't..of course.
I was like running through livingroom, where they sat and went into my room. Stared out of my window wishing with all my heart that my dads car would appear. It didn't.......Panic!
I could hear them talking in this other accent of Chinese which I don't understand.

You can't possibly imagen the embarrassment (if you haven't been in the same situation). I was in my room I was so freakishly helpless I couldn't even sit down. I walked round and round in my room, trying to figure out what the hell to do! I was insanely restless I didn't know what was in or out.
For a second I thought, okej act normal. I tried to read in my Japanese book, I remembered I read some sentences but I didn't what the hell I was reading or if I just saw words! Time passes and I felt really rude, what would be the best was if I talked to them as they were waiting for my mum. I thought could I do that? WHAT the hell was I suppossed to say huh?!?! I walked out to kitchen again, passing the livingroom, AWKWARDNESS!
The thing was I didn't know what I did! My body did things that my brain hadn't control over. Panic some more in the kitchen, thought this is just not happening to me. I went into my room again, passin the livingroom I remember glancing over at the woman, she knew I was looking at her and immediately looked down on her knees. OMG I thought I'd just die right there. [to be continued, tomorrow]


Caroline said...

Shiet, sånt här läser man bara om i böcker ju :O Man tror ju aldrig att det ska hända en själv.
FY vad pinsamt!! Jag skulle dött. Så de kunde inte kanto då?

Tiffany said...

HAhaaha, aw tack så mycket! Jag trodde ingen skulle fatta riktigt hur skämigt det va XD Fortsättning idag ;)