Monday 28 April 2008

Oh the pain!

Hello! A totally pollen-medicine drugged Tiffany here. It's absolutely horrible! My nose won't stop running and my eyes itchies like hell and if it's really bad my throat starts to act all funny. Pollen allergics are crap! You can not do anything, in the summer, without being bombed on medicine. It sucks and everyone out there who goes through the same thing, amen!

Finally the week when we're going to France has come. Which also means two freedays, thursday and friday (1th May and no school on friday). I've been really relieved being done with the history assignment, now I just have to worry about the standardize test in math the monday right after we've come home. It'll be alright...I guess (not!). OH and I forgot! We have to present our project work in front of our fellow frenchmen and just 2 weeks after we've come home it has be done, ouch!

This blogg have taken ages for me to write, suddenly in the middle of the blog I felt a freakin pain in my right arm. I haven't been training or anything special today, it just came from no where! It's like my whole arm is strained, muscles being very tense. I have let it hang straight down from the chair because it's less painfull. I've tried to massage it, shake it off, lay down, yeah almost everything. It doesn't work! What the hell is wrong?
So I'm finishing this blog writing only with my left arm, feeling like a freakin' invalid. XD

I haven't blogged anything serious for ages and I know I've promised. You know what since I have two days off and (between packing and finding a present to my french family) I'll upload a new video. :D Requests anyone? XD
And don't forget: :D

Picture of the day:

Me at Galerie Lafayette last summer. I can hear the emo kids screaming of joy. XD


Caroline said...

när kommer du hem från frankrike?

kommentar till din skolblogg:
fjortisar kan vara lika gammal/äldre än en själv också ;)

jag är faktiskt duktig och brukar aldrig göra mina läxor/arbeten på en söndagskväll xD

Tiffany said...

JAg kommer hem nästa fredag.

Njaa, kan vara. Tänkte inte på de ti söndeskväll/natt , men de flesta....XD

Jamen det är bah för du e över amibtiös XD

Anonymous said...

haha sant, men tänkte det var bäst att fråga ju :P
Allt bra med dig då?

Faaan jävla pollen, jag är också helt drogad haha! :(

Anonymous said...

svar: joo det är bra med mig, livet rullar på :)
Njaa nej inte modeblogg precis, skriver om allt i min vardag och självklart så händer det att jag shoppar också :D
grym du är som pallar skriva på engelska :P Det märks nu när man inte går i bilingal klass att man faktiskt blev rätt grym på eng på söderkulla haha :)