Thursday 30 December 2010

I dream sometimes

I wish I had a heart full of love.

Monday 27 December 2010

Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Camping

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1
If the 15 year-old me would have seen me watching the seventh Harry Potter movie ONE month after the actual premiere, she might have strangled me or at least fainted.

Having been an utterly crazed Harry Potter fan in my early teenage, the first movies have always been fantabulous in my eyes. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows part 1 (couldn't sound any worse) is the first Potter movie I've seen through unfangirl-eyes. It became clearer than ever that the movies survives purely because of the HP hype itself and the fans of the book.

In this first part of the grande finale, the world is darker and more dangerous than ever before (isn't it always?) with muggle lovers getting murdered, death eater attack in Piccadilly Circus, people being obducted from left to right. Harry, Ron and Hermione have now abandoned Hogwarts to embark on their great journey to search and destroy the horcruxes (items containing pieces of Lord Voldemort's soul). Flung out of their safety zone, they are not only exposed to evil appearing-disappearing kidnappers but also the madness that only comes when people camp together for 4 months straight.

Failing to convince me of the actual danger of the situation, the movie could neither attain my interest for 2 and a half hour. Why they thought it was necessary to have Harry and Hermione dance utterly awkwardly, was and still is beyond my comprehension. The movies doesn't throughly explain why the trio had to camp and wait around, without which it simply looks like our heroic group think they're able to  randomly stumble upon a horcrux by camping around.

Although most of the movie was spent on showing how the trio get on each other nerves while camping, the movie is actually fairly exciting.

Mischief Managed,

Saturday 25 December 2010

Happy Holidays folks!

So the family and I celebrated Christmas yesterday and it was great. I got loads of presents like: Victor Hugo's Les Misérables (YYEEEESSS), new headphones, electric duvet, Inception and a new bag. It was once again an expensive Christmas at the Phan's ïncluding stereos, mobilephone, armani watch, external harddrive so on. 7 years ago we would get Barbies and that was fine. XD

The celebration part was as any Swedish Christmas with watching Kalle Anka (annual Disney program), taking loads of family photos, having a big dinner and opening presents. In the evening we also watched Toy Story 3 and Inception. To be honest Inception the 2nd time was more confusing, how is that possible? But Joseph Gordon-Levitt is still a stud muffin.

I have some blog entries in the making (including review of Harry Potter 7.1 and Narnia 3) which I hope to post as soon as possible, but right now I'm going to watch Les Mis the movie (with Liam Neeson).

Lots of Love,

Thursday 16 December 2010

I'm embarrassingly naive

So I'm currently watching the "War You Don't See" (ITV1) (when I was first writing this), a documentary about the aspects of wars that is never shown in media and therefore completely ignored by the public, mostly because my journalism teacher told us to (well not really but you know when they say "well I'm going to watch it anyway" what they really mean is "watch it or else!"). It really complements Fahrenheit 9/11 which I finally (no comment..) saw last weekend.

It's really remarkable of how embarrassed I feel for not being fully aware of the background for the Iraqi war and how the greatest powers in the world was able to fool the people of the world. How is it that a Government can fabricate reasons for invading a country? How is it even possible to even think that you can get away with something like this?

I've always thought people that claimed the US invaded Iraq for profits and so on were simply biased. Obviously they were anti-US or had personal reasons for being against the US. I just thought they were flaunting with their conspiracy theories, because why would something like that be true? It couldn't, it shouldn't.

As I'm watching the documentary, a feeling of hoplessness and embarrassment rushed over me.
There is absolutely nothing I can do to prevent governments hiding information or lie to me. Nothing, and it makes me feel useless.

I am outright embarrassed to find all of this surprising. Why is it that it's so hard for me to comprehend the massive amount of information that is held from the public about wars? What is wrong with me? Where does my view that there ought to be good in everyone come from? Where does the view that the world is fair or at least strive to be fair come from? I'm being extremly naive aren't I, or is the world just really screwed up?

Yours truly,

Saturday 11 December 2010

He lives out in the sticks

Oh man, I really need to start a dream diary. I had the weirdest dream night and woke up smiling. Though I hate how dreams messes with your head. It's not real. Tiffany. It's not real.

It's less than a week before I'll go back home to Sweden! Feels too good to be true. So this last week I'm going to cram in as much as possible, like going to several exhibitions, the Winter Wonderland, shop a bit more and study.

I'm glad I've actually bought most of my Christmas presents now, only missing my brother's present. Plus another one that I ordered online that still hasn't come yet! Grr.

Wow, absolutely the most interesting post in history. But I'm too lazy to delete the whole entry, so here you go. :P

Please keep checking my news twitter!


Saturday 4 December 2010

the Narnia bunch

Wow, I think I'm alright. I've got one more report to write, which is a group report even, and then it's christmas break. I'm so close I can almost taste it.

Today I had my first day completely free from school work since probably early October. Feels freaking great. Me and my friend went out for coffee (Starbucks Ginger bread latte is heaven) and strolled around in West End. I didn't for once thought about any schoolwork, it was almost magical. :')

On Tuesday me and my friend were crazy enough to go to the Narnia:The Voyage of the Dawn treader premiere in Leicester sq. I mean I'm 20 freakin' years old and I shouldn't wait out in the cold and SNOW (yes SNOW) for 2 hours just to see some actors and actresses. It's pathetic really but it was oh so fun. :)

Apart from the snow and a slight hypothermia (totally over-using this word) it was actually fun. We had pretty decent spots, saw all the stars, got interviewed by Russian TV and even befriended a handsome photojournalist student (well, I did). Let me just say, Ben Barnes is really short but probably hotter in real life. Skandar Keynes is a studd muffin. Georgie Henley flew off as a bit of a bitch but is gorgeous in her long red hair. Anna Popplewell was as short-spoken as in Charlie St Cloud and had a rather unflattering dress. William Moseley looking like a skater in long hair while getting most screams.

Off course the X-factor bunch had to come as well and they got all the buzz. I was seriously about to scream at One Direction to move the heck over, they were obscuring Skandar!

Anyway, I think that was the last time I go uninvited to a movie premiere in freezing temperature and snow.
