Saturday 10 July 2010

I'm melting

I'm sitting here and trying to watch the game. I remember I was really into the World cup like 8 years ago. Now it's like I coulnd't bother less. The other day I thought I would watch the quarter finals (I mean it was after all the quarter finals) but when I turned on the TV, Debate (Almedalen) was on and I watched that instead. XD No but it's actually really interesting especially that one because they were talking about youth unemployment and they had some really good panel debaters.

To switch to something completely different, the weather has been crazy lately. Especially today, it was 30 degrees and god I think I'm melting. It was already quite warm when I took the bike to work (around 10 in the morning) but when I went home from work?! I took one step outside the kiosk (with ac) and I thought I would faint. It was actually difficult to breath for a bit. And it's suppossed to be even warmer tomorrow, OMG.

I've also been seeing a childhoodfriend of mine who's visiting from the US. I thought it would be weird since we basically haven't meet since we were 6, but it's actually really nice. For some weird reason I can really talk to her.

Anyway, I'm gonna go and take a shower before I melt. See ya!


Elin said...

I couldn't agree with you more on everything xD I've watched the debates and I think they are really interesting too! :)

And I'm melting too...