Sunday 6 April 2008

Things you call a girl you don't like

Haya! Another week-end over and it's sad as ever. (I think I've written that before..?) New layout guys! I had some really hard time finding one that had everything I wanted and still a bit nice. XD Anyway hope you like it!

I woke up this morning, I don't know exactly what the time was but really early in the morning I'd guess. I woke up from that someone was yelling outside, I'm sure if it was the neighbour (I live in an apartment) or if it was someone out in the yard, but it was a girl. I figured out she was on the phone, if not the one she was talking to never spoke back or was very quiet. She was really mad, furious, she was mad at some girl I think because she said....some not very nice words you call girls (you know what I mean). She was really furious, I was seriously afraid I thought she could kill someone I swear. It went on like that for some time now and then she was quiet then think she moved further and had an outbreak she screamed in anger! It was really scary! I think it was something about cheating and boyfriends, I think I heard something like that. Then somehow I fell asleep again.

Another thing, our "good" computer's screen exploded today, no it didn't explode but smoke came out from it. The computer screen had been acting kinda weird lately and today it turned black now and then and it started to blinck then my brother turned it off by the big switch. Then he turned it on again and it made this funny noise and then smoke came out from it and it started to smell, you know computer and something burning smell XD
Now I'm kinda worried for the actual computer, I still have pictures and videos and all that left on it. I've made a list of what to save and upload on the internet. I can not work on Photoshop or Photofiltre on my laptop, that's so wrong. XD

Picture of the day:

Oar 10 bucks, Canoe 50 bucks, Joe in a lifewest, Priceless!


Caroline said...

shit så läskig dator xD
alltså.. jag blir typ bländad av den gula texten :S

Anonymous said...

aiya, lät inte bra alls. Hoppas ni inte andade in röken,för det låter giftigt :S...
Men har du bokat resan än?
Just det, vi behöver prata någon gång, för jag har beslutsångest och behöver råd XD..

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Okej, jag försöker ändra det. tror du vitt blir bättre?

re Meikei: Jo jag har inte gjort det, kan vi inte göra det tsm typ i helgen?

Caroline said...

ja vitt är mycket bättre (y)

Anonymous said...

jo..jag har studiedag i morrn, börjar jobba 16.00. Kan du där imellan eller innan halv 2 på lördag?