Thursday 10 April 2008

Talking or not talking to your hairdresser

Yupp, school is killing me and I actually don't have time to write but I don't care. XD I'm not going to whine about it maybe later......

I went to the hairdressers to cut my hair this Tuesday and nobody had noticed ityet. :'(
Hahaha, no it's alot shorter. Well I think I'm basically bald but that's just me. Thought it would be nice to have shorter now to the summer and all.
I went to this hairdresser my mum knows, her chinese friend. It was at this kinda deserted place with a really small saloon (?) with nobody else there. What do you do when you get your hair cut? Do you read the magazines? I considered many times to pick up one of these housewives magazines but I didn't.
I haven't been through this before, I've been to the hairdressers before but I don't remember being this restless and pretty uncomfortable. I used to get my hair cut at my friend's, she's studying hairdressing programme in school and she's really good, but I didn't want to bother her this time. We have no trouble conversing, we don't usually meet that much so we have much to talk about.
Anyway, I was like; Doesn't hairdressers go to this how-to-converse course? Mine hadn't, obviously. What do you talk about with your hairdresser? It's supposed that the hairdresser that's talks to you, right?

Also I just came home from watching the theatre play, Shakespeare´s The Tempest (Stormen) with the class. We're reading Shakespeare in our Swedish class (if you didn't know) so our teacher thought it was a good opportunity to see a Shakespeare play.
I was actually thinking of going to see it myself, but didn't really had anyone to see it with me. XD It was in Swedish so it was alot easier to understand (for you who remebered when we watched Macbeth in English!). It was funny after all it is a Comedy. I really liked Gonzales, the counselor, the man playing him was really cool.


Caroline said...

de flesta friöserer är nog såna, blir alltid sån pinsam tystand :P

Tiffany said...

Haha..jaså? Trodde de felsta var pratglada liksom med undantag från min då..XD

Anonymous said...

Hairdressers can't converse -.- It was the same when I went in March. Just weird ^^; (Sorry I didn't notice! T_T I'm overreacting...)

And I loved the drunken French chef xD

Tiffany said...

Hahaha, they don't? Haha, no I'm just kidding XD
yeah he was hilariuos though ! XD