Thursday 17 April 2008

Keeps getting weirder..

Guys, the week started out all weird and it's getting weirder.

So this Tuesday I decided to take the bike to school, I usually don't on Tuesday because I have P.E and that would be a little overkill XD, I don't know what made me do it but it was like some weird intuition or something. I came to school a little bit later than I usually comes on tuesdays and thought that they all ready went into the dressingroom, but they hadn't in fact was almost the whole calss stood outside the dressingrooms..waiting. 5 minutes passes....10 minutes passes. He's 5 minute's late and that's unusual he knows how mad we get if we don't get tiem to get dressed! Then we send one person to go look at the TV if it said anything about our P.E lesson being cancelled. She comes back 2 minutes after and yes it was cancelled.
Then the rest of they day went by and before my last lesson which is Speech, I remember I really felt like skipping that class, my friends were going home (they don't have that lesson) and I had to stay in school for 2 more hours! Gggrrrr! Anyway, I went...of course, and for once almost everyone came to Speech and we wait....and we wait. Our Speech teacher she is never late, so figured out that she wouldn't come. Ggggrrr again! When I went down to my locker, don't I see on the TV that my Speech teacher is absent today.

Wednesday, all wednesdays are very short and unserious Then out of nowhere they told us that it was today people were coming here to talk about jobs and stuff. (We'd filled out a form saying which jobs interessted us the most). And those little meeting/lectures was after school! I don't know what they thought of! Anyway, I chose to listen to some Journalists and some people working with marketing, advertising. It was pretty interessting though.

Today, getting off with only 2 lessons. Thursdays being the absolutely longest day turned out to be very short. Speech (yes she came back XD) but she let us go an hour earlier, which was nice. Then I had history,a te some lunch then it was heading back home. Only that I almost ran over a stupid pigeon, doesn't pigeons fly?! Not this one, it was walking on the bikeway but I thought it would fly away as I came nearer. WTF? It didn't so I had to make an emergency right turn and almost ran into a road sign. Frickin' BIRD! Just a few metres from home I got attacked by a plastic bag. It was lying on the ground and when I came by with my bike it flew up, getting stuck on my right foot, I tried to get it off and watching the road at the same time. AAAHHH get off!
There were these two old women who stood there talking, must have thought I was a freak or something...XD

And what's up with the twitching in my right eye?!


Caroline said...

HAHA, sånt är sjukt störigt! ofta det är overkill att både cykla och ha idrott samma dag? det är inte ens jobbigt att cykla xD

Tiffany said...

Uuhh, talk for yourself, Princess!

Caroline said...

på tal om att cykla, jag höll på att köra in i en bil och när jag skulle svänga undan var det nära att jag körde omkull också! haha

Tiffany said...

OMG, bilar skiter i cyklister de bah kör hur dem vill! XD

Anonymous said...

OMG! Vad jag skrattade när jag läste om din cykelväg hem xD

Tiffany said...

re Elin: HAhaha, jo det var rätt sjukt XD