Monday 21 April 2008

I'm stuck in a coommmaaaa!

Huhu, pretty crazy how fast I've been almost addicted to this song. Can't be saved-Senses Fail, yupp I've been playing GuitarHero again...XD Anyway here's the rest of the story.

My mother came home, which felt like after 10 years and I felt like I was saved. Phew! But no, she started to order me around making me make tea.
Tea? What tea?! Pls, I know how to make tea I drink tea all the time but I knew it wasn't that kind of tea my mother was talking about. It was chinese tea, which she always has when her friends are over, with tea leaves and the tea pot and stuff. XD You know what, I've never done this kind of tea before in my ENTIRE life. I improvised, I didn't know how much leaves to put in or how much water, I didn't know what kind of cups my mum would like me to use, nothing. After like 15 minutes I came out with something that looked like tea as it should. I made myself not to look at them, I was so embarrassed.
After pouring up tea I quickly disappeared into my sister and brothers room, why? I didn't know what I was thinking, what do I do now? I was still too high-strung to settle down and read my Japanese book. I considered to play Wii or just turn on the computer again (which I turned off just before they came), this took like a couple of minutes, staring out the window thinking of what to do. Lack of anything better I sat down and watched TV.
My mum calls for me, she told me to come out and eat cake with them. I was like NOOOOO!
But I had to, it would have been too rude (not that I hadn't been rude enough)! I came into the livingroom cut a piece of cake sat down quietly and ate my cake. Still made me not look at any of them.

After a while I gained some confidence, started casually looking around and occasionally look at them. Well, it was pretty ok now, you know with my mum there. My mum was talking (and talking) with her friend. I began to wonder, why in the world did her son agree to come here? I would NEVER gone to my mums friends house without knowing who the hell they were. XD I tried to make out where they came from and if they knew Swedish.
Briefly the adults talked about the womans son and I realized he was much older than I thought. Then it was confirmed that they lived in Sweden, because he, apparently, had worked in loads of different cities in Sweden. And out of nowhere I asked what I read in school, in Swedish, and I hoped with all of my heart that he understood me and could answer in Swedish. But with all of the weirdness already being out today, there couldn't possibly be any more (what?!), gladly he answered. He had this kinda cute another Swedish accent. Anyway, then he asked me some of my school and I asked some more and then he asked something more. You could absolutely classify that as a conversation, I swear!

I was really glad, I dont know why but I felt that I could be totally honest with this guy, really sincere. Then somehow my mum had told her friend that I played the guitar and it turned out that this woman loved playing the guitar but never got the chance to learn properly. (What are th odds? I mean come on..)
Of course my mum suggest me to play something for our guests. As weird as everything had been that day, I was even eager to play, to show off.XD Just before we've talked about my hobbies and I had told him that I played the guitar or I'm learning and that I've played like for 5 months now.
So we went into my room. I've never, never, been ashamed of my room. Maybe you haven't been in my room but I have, not many (!) but I have these posters of Jonas Brothers, Heroes and I still have that giant fabric scrool of Naruto hanging on my wall. Never in my whole life I wished I had a less personal room. XD
Anyway I played some for them, Please be mine (of course XD) but I didn't sing though. In a way that was pretty weird I knew I wanted to but I just didn't do it. Then we talked some more, came into playing music and then just music in general. It turned out he pretty much liked the music that I liked which is odd...XD But yeah it was pretty cool and it ended up with us talking, he was genuinly impressed by my guitar skills that I could have learned so much on such short time, his mum had went out to the livingroom again. Afterwards we went out to and the rest of my family came home and everything got normal again.

I think this was most of the story now. It was pretty funny afterwards we knew much of each others life now but we didn't know each others names. But I guess that's not essential in modern conversations anymore..XD


Caroline said...

haha pheww, awkward situation!
men så bra att du började snacka med han killen, till skillnad från mig när mina föräldrars kompisar kom den gången.. om du kommer ihåg, jag har berättat xD

Tiffany said...

MMAAHHHAAAA, jo jag kommer ihåg XDXD

Anonymous said...

This was fun :P Hur gammal var killen egentligen? Nu blir jag intresserad ju! xD

Tiffany said...

Re Elin: Awww så glad att du blev ! :D Jaaa, typ runt 20 skulle jag tro..

Anonymous said...

Jag vte inte om du minns. Men jag köpte en CD av dom i London när vi var där på Oxford Street. Det var då när vi var där i typ två år.

Jag har även fått klistermärken från deras skivbolag!