Tuesday 8 April 2008

Group Hug!!

Madness, madness! That's how my brain have been today. There was not 2 minutes I didn't think of the trailer. The Camp Rock trailer! X')

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! and a little bit more, is what I got to say (you mean scream?)
I knew the trailer was coming out soon but I didn't remember the exact date, and today when I quickly finished a homework and checked my usual (JB) sites, I see that someone had uploaded the trailer already. I started to hyperventilate! Loading...loading.....
Tears were streaming down my cheeks I couldn't control it. Where could all the extra happiness and desire possible be contained? I felt like exploding.
Just a week before they released a bunch of new Camp Rock pictures and I have hardly melted that yet and in the middle of everything comes the trailer. Shit. I watched it again and more tears comes streaming down. I pull myself together and have to litterally drag myself to school or I'd stay home and watch the trailer again and again.

I couldn't wait for school to end so that I could watch it again and scream or whatever I needed to do, to get all these feelings out!
So with that off course my arguing Speech went pretty bad. When I finally found something to argue about and came up with pretty good arguments, I screw it up...off course.
And sorry for an entirely uninteresting blog post...... ^^'

Picture of the day:

Release me from this madness!


Anonymous said...

I really don't know what to say since I don't know anyone else as crazy as this xP

I love your new layout though

Tiffany said...

AWw! Thanks for commenting anyway! I appreciate it! :D
Thank you! :D Took me years to change the text and colours XD