Friday 25 April 2008

Fjortis problems

Haya guys, long time no write XD I've been kinda busy this week with school and stuff, but finally it's coming to a break. First we come day off around 1th May then it's off to Paris and Nantes! :D
If you might have missed that it's my class going on a schooltrip to France, first stopping in Paris then to Nantes, we have an exchange programme with a school down there. So I'll be gone for a week, if I'm able to get to a computer I promise to write some :D

This week have been pretty normal, hectic and sunny. We (me and partner) finally finished our History project/assignment- writing a historical newspaper. It was loads of fun, we've mixed some catholic views with a touch of modern day. It'd going to be great when we print the pages out this monday. Putting together all the articles, adding pictures and lines was NOT easy I can tell you. Btw, here's a sneak peak :D (Bigger picture:

I've been watching Jonas Brothers on the Oprah show and I've realized how freakin' big they are, for real. It's very frustrating sometimes, for me, the hysteria is compared with the Beatles all the time (can you get that? XD)!
I sometime feel like just letting go, you know just being happy with liking them and enjoing the music and like keeping it to myself. I think a part of me have and it makes me sad, I have somehow become this ultimate fan, crazy fan, (which I can sincerely say that I wish I wasn't) then you're not content with keeping it all to yourself. Everytime I think of them coming here, their movie coming out and everyhting like that, I would jsut liek to stop everyhting cuz I know it'll get bigger and bigger. A part of me don't want that, it's big enough as it is!
Sorry for my "fjortis problem" but I just need it to get out. I've been denialing it all this time.

But it makes me so happy and even make me like them even more, it's during all this time with millions of screaming girls and paparazzi's they're still humble and grounded and take their time to do regular thing and make this world a better place.
I found myself sitting here and watching a 8 minutes long video with 3 of them visiting a school on Eath's day and planting a tree. It's really beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Hey it was a history assignment not a friggin new newspaper xP Looks nice, though. I'm kinda jealus, the boys don't know how to organize :P

Caroline said...

have a good time in france :D

Anonymous said...

Är det Tiffany som gick i samma klass som mig innan? :P

Tiffany said...

re Elin: Well yeah, we chose to make a modern layout if that's what you mean XD

re Carro: AAWW thank you so much!

re Josse: HAha, hur många Tiffany känner du? XD

Anonymous said...

jag hoppas verkligen inte att jb blir nåt överskattat fjortisband!

Tiffany said...

re Trs: Maaahhahaa, det är inte liksom nått man kan hantera. Jag tror det håller på att inte lika galet om Tokio Hotel. (önsketänkande!)