Wednesday 2 April 2008


Huhu, this is going to be a short one, I promise! Just for keeping ya'll updated. XD

The weather today has been brilliant, it is finally getting warmer. I even tried out my sunglasses (Jonas sunglasses oh-yeah!). They are so cool, you shoudl see them ;) Maybe I'll post a photo some time.

It was a very short school day today which was really nice. I had my laptop with me today because I wanted to fix this internet access in school. I asked the librarian, she told me to find this other person, I go down to this person's room and she wasn't there of course.
Do you know how heavy my laptop is?! Dang! It's about 2-3 kg, it totally killed my back today. Fortunately I took the bike to school today (again! YEAY ME) and I didn't have to wear my backpack. Anyway my friends and I went to the city library (?!) to look for some books for our thousands of projects. It was hte first time I tried my laptop outside the house, huhuhuh, me like. XD

After school I went to the optician, I've wanted to have new glasses for ages now. Kept nagging my dad and now I'm doing a new pair! I had the hardest time choosing a bow though. I simply couldn't decide for one so I took four I liked the best and borrowed them home for further thinking. XD It was not much easier at home, I asked my mum and couple of my friends, I even asked my cousin over at Switzerland. It was kinda fun though, not doing my homework you know. I have tons to do, you know it and I know it. But I just couldn't do it today, I was totally unfocused. Maybe my sister practice working and having no school had some how influenced me, I just wanted to do somethingelse! Craziness! Tomorrow I'll try to do some.
Now I'm lying because after school I'm going to the optician again and then I have violin lesson, but it sounded really good didn't it? I need some counciling! (what's the word?)

Picture of the day:

King's Cross Station, ladies and gentlemen!


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to go to the optician I think. I don't wanna know my sight is getting worse! If it has gotten worse I'll be below -7 and that's bad >.<

Tiffany said...

I KNOW! I hate it too, but I want to have new glasses so badly!
Everytime you got here and your sight have gotten even worse and the glass gets thicker and thicker. You get really mad, it's EMO all over it! XD

Caroline said...

jag såg såna joe glasögon, vita.. på mq :) inte ray ban då.

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Jo det har jag osso,de finns lite överallt. Men jag vill röda aså..XD