Friday 4 April 2008


Yesterday was totally crazy for me. It went from no chance of going to the concert to maybe and then to definitely GOING! WWUUAAAHHH! I'm so happy! :'D

As you maybe know, I'm gonig to the Copenhagen Avril concert (Jonas Brothers) and even from the beginning when I knew they were coming to Europe that I wanted to see them both in Copenhagen and Stockholm because that was perfectly possible. Bought tickets for Copenhagen first of course. For a while I thought OK that would(should!) be enough with the costs in mind (huhuhu) plus that I didn't know how to work the whole trip, where would I stay and such. Then I realized I REALLY wanted to see them as much as I could and I started to search around for train tickets and asked my friend in Stockholm if I could stay there for a day after the concert.
A couple of weeks ago I found some tickets for 700 SEK back and forth, that meant that including the tickets it would cost a little bit more than 1000 SEK, which is ALOT. More expensive than 2 persons going to the concert in Copenhagen including transport.
It really let me down, I may be a crazy fan but I know my limits. I have all the money and such but I just couldn't tell my parents, not even that I wanted to go.

Then yesterday when my dad picked me up after my violin lesson. I just dropped the bomb. I told him I wanted to go to the concert in Stockholm too, that it would probably cost around 1000 SEK and that I had talked to my friend in Stockholm to make sure that it was ok if I stayed there for one day.
He didn't reject me from the very beginning the fact is he was on the idea. He told me that we still had train coupon things, that we got last summer in return from our train being delayed and stuff. I was like man, this can work!
When I went home I checked if the tickets for the concert were still on sale, it was. Then I checked the train tickets and I couldn't believe my eyes I found tickets for the cheapest price possible for train tickets, it was even on the times I wanted to go. It was like a sign!
I called my friend in Stockholm and asked if it still was all ok for me to come those days and she said Yes. (I was ready to scream out loud there) After that it took me about 5 sec to book all the tickets I needed. XD

Okej, now some random stuff I found lately (mostly for reminding myself). Dates to remember:
17 June The Camp Rock soundtrack release (US)
20 June Camp rock having premiere on Disney Channel (US)
19 August Camp Rock released as DVD(US)
October Camp rock to be shown on Scandinavian Disney Channel

Picture fo the day:

I kept my promise, didn't I?


Anonymous said...

måste jag vänta tills oktober helt plötsligt?!

Tiffany said...

JAA det är så sjukt bajs dåligt! XD
Men jag kommer på något sätt ha sett den innan dess..Om jag tien ser den på perimärdagen kommer jag typ få fnatt!

Caroline said...

woho, så bra för dig.. men ehm ska du gå själv eller med din kompis? :D

Tiffany said...

re Carro: MIn kompis sa att hon också kunde gå, itne för hon vet vilka Jonas Brothers är men XD Men jag har fått känna en JB fan i som ska på konserten så henne känner jag ju,typ XD

Anonymous said...

du, det låter ändå inte :P..Var försiktig :)

Tiffany said...

Men aww! :') klart jag ska :D

Anonymous said...

HAHA! I'm that friend! Du kunde skrikit om du ville.

Tiffany said...

re Tesco: AHHAHA XD MEn jag kan inte bara skrika i telefonen! XD