Finished with my 2nd year and totally alive. Might've been obvious for you, but it certainly wasn't for me 28 days ago.
So what have I been up to these past 3 days of utter freedom? My cousin from Paris/Lincoln is visiting me and we've been here and there; eating, shopping, seeing Les Mis (2nd time in less than 2 months, effyeah), seeing Pirates of the Caribbean 4. Good stuff, good stuff (apart from Pirates 4 which is a pathetic excuse for a movie and you bet there's a review coming up).
2 weeks of interning at Craft Central is looking ahead and then 4 sweet months in Sweden. It's going to be a lovely (but skint) summer and I have a looooong list of stuff I'm planning to do, including watching another ton of movies, learning InDesign, take another ton of photos, bike around and read books. Try not to be jealous of my glamorous life. I wouldn't want to change it for anything else, I need the summer to relax after I've melted off my brain cramming in consumer psychology and churn out essays, articles and relfective logs these past 2 months.
2 weeks ago
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